13 Frequently Asked Questions About Mileage-Based User Fees
With the gas tax becoming increasingly unsustainable, mileage-based user fees offer a fair, reliable and sustainable funding mechanism for roadways.
Contracting Mass Transit Services: A How-to-Guide
This how-to guide shows how to successfully contract for mass transit services.
Risks and Rewards of Public-Private Partnerships for Highways
The reasons public-private partnerships are being used to fund infrastructure
Evaluating and Improving the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grants
Narrowing the focus to nationally important transportation projects with proven economic benefits
The Senate’s Transportation Bill Attacks Public-Private Partnerships
How and why the surface transportation reauthorization bill would deprive states of a much-needed tool for expanding investment in highways and transit
The Proposed Texas High-Speed Rail Project Requires Caution
There is a probability that if this project is built and put into operation, Texas Central will default on its loans, require a taxpayer bailout, or both.
Using Tolling and Public-Private Partnerships to Finance Louisiana’s Roadways
Tolling is the most ideal user fee because there is a direct link between the toll and the specific road infrastructure used.
How Much Gas Tax Money States Divert Away From Roads
Examining the percentage of state gas tax revenue that is allocated for expenses unrelated to roads, including money shifted to law enforcement, education, tourism, environmental programs and more.
COVID-19 And Soaring Costs Are New Challenges for Texas High-Speed Rail Line
If Texas Central chooses to move ahead with this high-speed rail project, lawmakers and taxpayers should ensure it does not receive stimulus funding.
Contracting Mass Transit Services
Transit contracting should always follow three principles: guaranteeing public control, promoting competition, and ensuring transparency.
Vanpools: The forgotten mode of mass transit
Vanpools are a high-quality, low-cost mass transit option.
How Washington state can transition from the gas tax to road usage charges
This brief suggests a policy framework for developing a road usage charge program in Washington and an implementation order that builds on systems already in place on the state’s major highways.
Converting high occupancy vehicle lanes to high occupancy toll lanes or express toll lanes
This brief examines why and how high-occupancy vehicle lanes are converted, how much the conversions cost, and how high-occupancy toll and express toll lanes have performed.
The current status of Texas Central’s proposed high-speed rail line linking Dallas and Houston
The high-speed rail vision Texas Central outlined in 2013 of easy land acquisition, quick construction, minimal opposition, and low costs is vastly different from the grim reality that caused the company to abandon its project in 2022.
Tolling rural Interstate corridors
Using tolling to refinance the reconstruction of rural highways is the most realistic option to rebuild and expand these important roadways.
Five actions transit agencies should take immediately
U.S. transit agencies need to make a series of changes that will reform their boards, contract out service, and better serve riders.
Five actions transit agencies should take in the next two years
With transit ridership down, most large transit agencies will likely face a severe financial cliff in late 2024 when federal stimulus funds have been depleted.
High-Speed Rail in Europe and Asia: Lessons for the United States
The evidence suggests that high-speed railâ??s limited success in Europe and Asia is not transferrable to the U.S.