How states can implement highway public-private partnerships
With declining fuel tax revenue, growing miles traveled, and aging infrastructure, states can no longer depend on government funding for major highways.
Contracting Mass Transit Services: A How-to-Guide
This how-to guide shows how to successfully contract for mass transit services.
Pension Reform Handbook: A Starter Guide for Reformers
How policymakers can implement fiscally sustainable pension reforms that are fair to both taxpayers and government workers
A Handbook for Student-Based Budgeting, Principal Autonomy and School Choice
Making school funding more equitable and transparent
Knowing What the Federal Government Owns
A how-to guide for managing federal property and assets
Knowing What State and Local Governments Own
A how-to guide for managing state and local property inventories
Competitive Neutrality
Ensuring a Level Playing Field in Managed Competitions
Performance Based Contracting
Designing State of the Art Contract Administration and Monitoring Systems
Solid Waste Management
A Guide for Competitive Contracting for Collection
Privatizing Emergency Medical Service
How Cities Can Cut Costs and Save Lives
Solid-Waste Management
A Guide to Competitive Contracting For Collection