Frequently asked questions about the FDA’s ban on menthol cigarettes
Here are some of the common questions about banning menthol cigarettes, the supposed evidence in support of a menthol cigarette ban, and a ban's possible consequences on public health and minority communities.
A Question of Taste: The Public Health Case for E-Cigarette Flavors
Any policy that harms the exclusive makers of reduced-risk products such as e-cigarettes more than the makers of traditional cigarettes is not in the interests of public health.
Does Menthol Cigarette Distribution Affect Child or Adult Cigarette Use?
If the strength of the association between menthol cigarettes and increased youth initiation is as strong as tobacco control activists suggest, there should be signs of it in the national data.
Study: Menthol cigarettes do not increase youth smoking more than other cigarettes
This study concludes that menthol cigarette availability does not pose a greater threat to public health than regular cigarette availability.
Do Capitalization Requirements Make Sense For The Cannabis Industry?
Small business owners without lots of capital deserve the opportunity to enter the industry without burdensome requirements that do not fulfill their intended purpose.
Does Marijuana Legalization Increase Traffic Accidents?
Studies looking at the prevalence of drivers impaired by THC are prone to overestimate crash risk because of other risk factors.
Market Size Estimates For Legalized Marijuana
Estimates for the potential size of a new legal marijuana market are often riddled with uncertainty and inaccuracy, and can also be skewed by tenuous assumptions.
A Common Sense Approach to Marijuana Therapy
Individuals and their doctors should be making appropriate marijuana therapy determinations.
Marijuana Delivery: Addressing Concerns and Public Policy Issues
There is little reason to suggest that any of the social and economic costs potentially associated with legalization are exacerbated to any extent by allowing delivery services.
Follow The Jobs: Assessing Florida’s Business Incentives Programs
The incentives programs, despite spending billions of taxpayer dollars, have not produced any meaningful or measurable positive economic outcomes for Floridians.
Pennsylvania House Bill 2272: Making the state’s distilled spirits monopoly illegal
Pennsylvania HB 2272 would end the state-run liquor monopoly, but stops short of establishing a competitive, private market replacement.
Frequently Asked Questions: Highway P3s
Public-private partnerships are a policy tool that can help governments with the design, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance of highways.
Examining the Inspector General’s Report on Private Prisons
With Attorney General Jeff Sessions re-opening the door to private prisons, the agencies involved should look to improve monitoring and oversight in private prisons.
The “New Normal” In Public Pension Investment Returns
The primary culprit of growing pension debt has been the across-the-board investment underperformance of pension assets relative to plans’ own return targets.
Analysis of the New Mexico PERA Pension Solvency Task Force’s Preliminary Recommendations
The changes are significant and positive steps for PERA, but leave some systemic challenges—namely actuarial methods and assumptions—unaddressed.
New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association Solvency Analysis
PERA administrators and stakeholders are likely to face persistent challenges made more pronounced by ongoing market and revenue volatility.
Unfinished Business: Despite Dodd-Frank, Credit Rating Agencies Remain the Financial System’s Weakest Link
The lenient ratings attracted excessive mortgage finance capital that exacerbated a home price bubble—and a wider asset price bubble.