Examining Private Equity in Public Pension Investments
Public pension systems should thoroughly evaluate the downsides of private equity investing before increasing their allocations to the asset class.
Survey of State & Local Government OPEB Liabilities
State and local governments have $1.2 trillion in net OPEB (other post-employment benefits) liabilities.
Pay for Success Contracting: The Emerging Paradigm
A primer for policymakers on a new and innovative approach to public-private partnerships in social service delivery
Privatization and Public-Private Partnership Trends in Local Government
Local Government Privatization Chapter of Annual Privatization Report 2011
The Challenge of Comparing Public and Private Correctional Costs
Can privately operated prisons reduce costs without compromising performance?
The Environmental Protection Agency and Boiler MACT Regulation
EPA boiler rules should reflect the real world
The Hayek Rule
A new monetary policy framework for the 21st century
The Next California Budget
Eliminating California's deficit and fixing the budget process through "Budgeting for Outcomes"
Remote Air Traffic Control Towers: A Better Future for America’s Small Airports
Remote towers offer a proven alternative for the provision of air traffic services at low-activity airports.
Defined Contribution Plans: Best Practices in Design and Utilization
If properly designed, defined contribution plans can meet the employee retirement needs of today’s evolving and dynamic public sector workforce.
Designing an optimized retirement plan for today’s state and local government employees
This study presents a new retirement plan design, the Personal Retirement Optimization Plan, or PRO Plan, which is built on a defined-contribution foundation but designed to operate more like a traditional pension.
Enterprising Roads: Improving the Governance of America’s Highways
Roads should be managed by independent enterprises, with a clear mission of providing service to customers.
Ranking U.S. Metropolitan Areas on the Economic Freedom Index
Amongst America’s largest metro areas, Houston, Jacksonville, Tampa, Richmond and Dallas-Fort Worth have the most economic freedom. Riverside, Rochester, Buffalo, New York and Cleveland have the least.
An Argument for Equal Marriage
Marriage laws should allow people to shape their lives as they wish
Changing Course: Driver’s License Suspension in Florida
Why the state should stop suspending licenses for offenses that are unrelated to traffic safety.
Driver’s License Suspension Reform: The Right Road For Michigan
Michigan should narrow the type of offenses that can result in a driver’s license suspension to traffic safety crimes and end its draconian fines and fees.