The “Transition Costs” Myth
Why Defined-Benefit to Defined-Contribution Pension Reform Is Commonly Misunderstood
Best Practices for Setting Public Sector Pension Fund Discount Rates
The main objective should be for pension plans to shift toward having discount rates reflect the risks of liabilities—not the potential performance of assets.
America’s Debt and Deficit
Problems Still Seeking a Presidential Candidate’s Solution
Avoiding an American Lost Decade
Lessons from Japan's Bubble and Recession
Fixing the Regulation of Wall Street
A review of the Obama administration's proposal for reforming financial services regulation and recommendations to end the era of too big to fail
Policy Study 377 -
Privatizing the Housing Finance System
A Brief History of the Housing Bubble and Ways to Keep It From Happening Again
Unmasking the Mortgage Interest Deduction
Who Benefits and By How Much?
Refining the Story of the Financial Crises in Europe and the USA
What new information is telling us about the causes of the financial crisis and how they relate to the economy today
Restoring Trust in Mortgage-Backed Securities
How the Private Sector Can Return to Mortgage Finance
Unmasking the Mortgage Interest Deduction: Who Benefits and by How Much? 2013 Update
The mortgage interest deduction causes harmful economic distortions and its benefits are concentrated among the wealthy
Did Pension Reform Improve the Sustainability of Pension Plans?
Evidence from a Counterfactual Analysis of Michigan and Alaska
Pension Reform Case Study: Michigan
Reforms in Michigan have benefited both taxpayers and state employees
Trends In Public and Contracted Government Services From 2002 to 2007
Privatization and outsourcing by local governments
Policy Brief 80