Anil Niraula was a quantitative policy analyst with Reason Foundation's Pension Integrity Project.
Risk Assessment Shows New Mexico Pension Reform Protects Plan Members and Taxpayers
Recent reforms could save New Mexico employers and taxpayers as much as 28 percent in total pension costs over the next 30 years.
New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association Solvency Analysis
PERA administrators and stakeholders are likely to face persistent challenges made more pronounced by ongoing market and revenue volatility.
Arkansas Teacher Retirement System Pension Solvency Analysis
Investment returns failing to meet unrealistic expectations has been the single largest contributor to unfunded liability growth, adding $1.9 billion in debt to ATRS since 2000.
Public Pension Plans Weren’t Meeting Investment Expectations Long Before the Coronavirus
A reliance on overly optimistic assumed rates of investment returns was driving the increases in public pension debt before the recent economic downturn.
Failing to Meet Investment Expectations Drives the Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana Debt
Investment underperformance has accounted for over 50 percent of the $6.3 billion worth of unfunded liabilities plaguing TRSL.
The “New Normal” In Public Pension Investment Returns
The primary culprit of growing pension debt has been the across-the-board investment underperformance of pension assets relative to plans’ own return targets.
Investment Risks and Volatility Plague Arkansas’ State Public Pension Plans
All stakeholders should press for meaningful change that will help ensure Arkansas public pensions remain sustainable, predictable and affordable for both current and future generations.
Moody’s Considers New Mexico Pension Reform Credit Positive
Pension reforms "will reduce state and participating local governments’ unfunded pension liabilities and susceptibility to investment return volatility.”
New Mexico Enacts Bipartisan Pension Reform to Improve PERA Solvency
Senate Bill 72 was a necessary and crucial first step towards improving the financial health of PERA and ensuring the sustainable delivery of public employee retirement benefits for state and local workers
How Ohio’s Proposed Cost-of-Living Adjustments Would Impact OPERS’ Unfunded Liabilities
The proposed reforms to the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System will likely to fall short of the goal of maintaining a secure retirement option for Ohio’s workers.
Proposed New Mexico PERA Board Restructuring Would Improve Expertise, Balance Representation Long-Term
The proposed legislation offers the promise of improving the experience and oversight capabilities of the Public Employees Retirement Association's governing board.
Proposed PERA Reform an Important Step Toward Pension Solvency in New Mexico
New bill would address the Public Employees Retirement Association's systemic issues by improving funding policy and adopting a more sustainable benefit adjustment mechanism.
Taxpayers and Public Workers Face a “Brutal Awakening” on Pension Debt
The American public-sector pension deficit is likely closer to the $4.4 trillion estimate.
Slight Improvement, But Same Story: Louisiana Teachers’ Pensions Are Still in Trouble
Long-term investment losses have systematically starved TRSL of the revenue it needs to keep the retirement system on track to full funding.
New Mexico Needs Pension Reforms, Shared Sacrifice to Pay for Promised Retirement Benefits
The changes should provide $700 million in immediate savings and are projected to eliminate over $6 billion in unfunded liabilities.
Analysis of the New Mexico PERA Pension Solvency Task Force’s Preliminary Recommendations
The changes are significant and positive steps for PERA, but leave some systemic challenges—namely actuarial methods and assumptions—unaddressed.
Underfunding of Arkansas’ Public Pensions Raised at Trustees’ Meeting
In 2018, the pension plan covering state employees had more than $2 billion in unfunded pension liabilities (i.e. pension debt).
New Mexico Holds Public Hearings to Gauge Remedies for Persistent Public Pension Woes
Tackling public pension problems sooner than later will make a difference.