Frequently asked questions about the FDA’s ban on menthol cigarettes
Here are some of the common questions about banning menthol cigarettes, the supposed evidence in support of a menthol cigarette ban, and a ban's possible consequences on public health and minority communities.
Evaluating the potential impacts of Louisiana Senate Bill 438
The proposed hybrid plan is more expensive than the current pension under all scenarios.
Paying down PSPRS debt faster is a win for taxpayers
Unfunded PSPRS and ASRS liabilities make those pension systems more costly, pressuring government budgets. Paying down pension debt as fast as possible avoids interest costs and saves taxpayers money.
House Bill 2486 threatens Oklahoma’s pension progress
Public pension changes of the magnitude being proposed should receive rigorous actuarial and risk analyses that ensure future generations’ interests are protected.
Actuary highlights House Bill 55’s costs and risks to the Alaska Public Employees’ Retirement System
Changes of the magnitude being proposed in Alaska House BIll 55 should receive rigorous actuarial and risk analyses that have not yet been conducted.
Understanding the recent nationwide increase in crime
Violent crime has decreased dramatically since its peak in the 1990s. In 2020, the violent crime rate remained near the record lows achieved throughout the 2000s.
Pennsylvania House Bill 2272: Making the state’s distilled spirits monopoly illegal
Pennsylvania HB 2272 would end the state-run liquor monopoly, but stops short of establishing a competitive, private market replacement.
Senate Bill 10 undermines the Teacher Retirement System of Louisiana
SB10 is likely to weaken the Teachers’ Retirement System, which is already burdened with $9.3 billion in unfunded liabilities.
The benefits of the pupil transportation policy reforms in Arizona’s SB 1630
Smaller, lower-cost vehicles would help students living in rural, geographically diverse areas of the state, but also assist urban families.
Keeping politics out of public pension investing
Policies directing public pension systems to make politically-motivated investments can undermine fund governance and increase financial risk to future generations.
Working Paper: How shifting to a defined contribution retirement plan impacted teacher retention in Alaska
Using individual-level data for all Alaska teachers in the Teacher Retirement System before and after the retirement benefit change, we assess the effects of pension reform on teacher mobility out of employment with the Alaska K-12 system.
Phoenix’s traffic congestion is expected to worsen despite $70 billion in transportation spending plans
Vehicle hours of delay spent in Phoenix's traffic congestion are expected increase by at least 50% at all times of day by 2050.
Rating states on telehealth best practices
This toolkit aims to help policymakers move towards quality-oriented, affordable, and innovative health systems by ensuring that their state telehealth laws remove barriers that prevent access to care.
A guide to customer-friendly tolling policies to help states rebuild highways and bridges
How states can implement customer-friendly tolling policies that address worries like double taxation and create genuine value for drivers and truckers.
Examining the causes of induced demand and the future of highway expansion
The most effective method for reducing induced demand is to implement pricing on highways.
K-12 funding in Tennessee: A student-centered approach
By adopting a student-centered funding model, Tennessee would replace the state's outdated education finance system that lacks transparency and local control.