Pathways and policy for 21st-century freight rail
The successful development and deployment of automation technologies in the future is key to ensuring freight rail’s ongoing success.
Frequently asked questions about long-term airport leases
Why would taxpayers and passengers support the long-term lease of an airport?
Study: Leasing 31 U.S. airports would generate $131 billion to fund other infrastructure and pay debt
This study estimates the market value of 31 large and medium U.S. airports as $131 billion in total, including Los Angeles International ($17.8 billion), San Francisco International ($11.9 billion), and Dallas/Ft. Worth International ($11.9 billion).
Providing Electronic Toll Collection to the Unbanked and Underbanked
Providing one or more user-friendly tolling options for the unbanked and underbanked is important to ensure economic inclusion for everyone.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Effects on Opioid Prescribing and Drug Overdose Mortality
This study finds that Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs fail to reduce opioid overdoses and increase the use of black market opioids.
U.S. Space Traffic Management and Orbital Debris Policy
Public-private partnerships could improve the tracking and removal of space debris and better manage space traffic.
Public Pension Glossary
Understand what pension terms and phrases mean
How to Address Drivers’ Concerns About Toll Roads and Bridges
State leaders need to address drivers' concerns about the tolls they pay and where the money goes.
Cash Balance Retirement Plan Would Offer Texas Workers Guaranteed Retirement Benefits
Both traditional defined benefit and cash balance retirement plan designs are examples of guaranteed return retirement plans that provide retirees a protected stream of lifetime income.
How Would Senate Bill 321 Effect Texas’ Public Employee Recruitment and Retention
Only 14 percent of Texas new hires under 35 today are expected to serve a full career and receive an unreduced retirement benefit.
Analysis of South Carolina Senate Bill 176
Senate Bill 176 would provide new hires a secure and attractive retirement plan that better protects the state's taxpayers.
Analysis of Texas Senate Bill 321
Senate Bill 321 could save the state as much as $15 billion in long term costs and ensure that new employees' retirement benefits are fully funded.
How to Make Positive Changes to the South Carolina Retirement System
This series of one-pagers aims to explain how a state can transition to a new retirement plan design, the benefits of expanding retirement plan choice for South Carolina's workers, and more.
The 2021 Texas Power Crisis: What Happened and What Can Be Done to Avoid Another One?
This report focuses on ERCOT and the electric power system because the power outages were the proximate cause of many hardships suffered during the failures.
Florida Retirement Cost Increases Highlight the Need for Pension Reform
Florida legislators will have to address an additional $2.3 billion in FRS costs in the next eight years.