Steven Gassenberger is a policy analyst with Reason Foundation's Pension Integrity Project.
Texas TRS: Examining the 7.25 Percent Assumed Rate of Return
Adopting a more realistic projection of investment returns and the estimated value of pension benefits is important to ensuring Texas will uphold promises made to teachers.
Teacher Retirement System of Texas: Why 80 Percent Funded Is Not Enough
TRS has at least $35.4 billion in pension debt, and billions more if the pension plan’s assumptions are wrong.
How the Texas Teacher Retirement System’s Unfunded Liability Grew to $35.4 Billion
The key factors driving growth in TRS’ unfunded liability.
Pension Solvency Overview: Teacher Retirement System (TRS) Of Texas
The Teacher Retirement System of Texas reported an unfunded pension liability of $35.4 billion in 2017.
California Voters Approve Tax Increases for Public Services, But Pension Payments and Debt May Eat the Money
Local governments say increased taxes are a path for increased public services, but the money is going to have to go to pension payments.