The other fatality rate measures fatalities on rural and urban minor arterials, collectors, and local roadways in the state as fatalities per 100 million vehicle-miles. The nation’s average other fatality rate increased between 2020 and 2022 from 1.54 to 1.56, (Table 17, Other Fatality Rate per 100 Million Vehicle-Miles, 2022, Figure 14). In 2022, 22,098 fatalities were reported, more than the 20,193 fatalities reported in 2020, as VMT (vehicle-miles of travel) decreased due to COVID-19.
For 2022, Hawaii reported the lowest other fatality rate, 0.62, while West Virginia reported the highest, 2.36. Twenty-two states saw their fatality rates decrease, led by Mississippi (0.61 points) and Rhode Island (0.53 points). Twenty-four states reported an increase to their other fatality rates compared to 2020, led by Nevada and Arkansas (which worsened by 0.62 and 0.59 points respectively).