Reason Foundation’s 28th Annual Highway Report evaluates state highway systems on cost versus quality using a method developed in the early 1990s by David T. Hartgen, Ph.D., emeritus professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. This method has since been refined by Hartgen, M. Gregory Fields, Baruch Feigenbaum, and Truong Bui. Since states have different budgets, system sizes, and traffic and geographic circumstances, their comparative performance depends on both system performance and the resources available.
Annual Highway Report
Current Report
Previous Reports
Annual Highway Report: Ranking each state’s highway conditions and cost-effectiveness
The Annual Highway Report examines every state's pavement and bridge conditions, traffic fatalities, congestion delays, spending per mile, administrative costs, and more.
25th Annual Highway Report
The 25th Annual Highway Report measures the condition and cost-effectiveness of state-controlled highways in 13 categories, including pavement condition, traffic congestion, fatalities, and spending per mile.
24th Annual Highway Report
North Dakota, Virginia and Missouri have the best performing, most cost-efficient state highway systems, while New Jersey, Rhode Island and Hawaii have the worst.
23rd Annual Highway Report
Ranking each state's highway system in 11 categories, including highway spending, pavement and bridge conditions, traffic congestion, and fatality rates.
22nd Annual Highway Report
Annual Highway Report finds 40 states now have traffic delays that cost drivers at least 20 hours per year; states made progress on deficient bridges; state highway spending decreased slightly; and pavement conditions worsened marginally.
21st Annual Highway Report
State highways show small progress in deficient bridges and pavement condition, but states struggle to make significant road improvements
20th Annual Highway Report
State-by-state highway performance and cost-effectiveness rankings
Examining 20 Years of U.S. Highway and Bridge Performance Trends
Twenty years of data shows highways and bridges making progress, not crumbling
19th Annual Highway Report
The Performance of State Highway Systems (1984-2008)
18th Annual Highway Report
The Performance of State Highway Systems (1984-2007)
17th Annual Highway Report
Policy Study 369
16th Annual Highway Report
Policy Study 360