The Sky Isn’t Falling in Colorado
Proven Strategies for Budget
A Bad Idea Gone Too Far
Proposition 86, The Tobacco Tax
Privatizing Landfills
Market Solutions for Solid-waste Disposal
Weighing the Watchmen
Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Outsourcing Correctional Services Part 2: Reviewing the Literature on Cost and Quality Comparisons
California Competitive Cities
A Report Card on Efficiency in Service Delivery in California's 10 Largest Cities
Citizen’s Budget Reports
Improving Performance and Accountability in Government
The Salinas Utility Users Tax
Necessary Revenue Source or Government Waste?
Smart Growth in Action, Part II
Case Studies in Housing Capacity and Development from Ventura County, California
Getting the Right People for the Right Job
Solving Human Capital Challenges with Competitive Sourcing
Priority Colorado
Balancing the Budget While Preserving TABOR and Colorado's
Streamlining San Diego
Achieving Taxpayer Savings and Government Reforms Through Managed Competition
Propositions 1E and 84
Funding the State's Water and Flood Control Infrastructure