Baruch Feigenbaum is Senior Managing Director of Transportation Policy at Reason Foundation.
Feigenbaum has a diverse background researching and implementing transportation issues including revenue and finance, public-private partnerships, highways, transit, high-speed rail, ports, intelligent transportation systems, land use, and local policymaking. Prior to joining Reason, Feigenbaum handled transportation issues on Capitol Hill for Rep. Lynn Westmoreland.
Feigenbaum is a member of the Transportation Research Board Bus Transit Systems and Intelligent Transportation Systems Committees. He is vice president of programming for the Transportation and Research Forum Washington Chapter, a reviewer for the Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA), and a contributor to Planetizen. He has appeared on NBC Nightly News and CNBC. His work has been featured in the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and numerous other publications.
Feigenbaum earned his master's degree in Transportation Planning with a focus in engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
A public-private partnership is the best way to rebuild Louisiana’s Calcasieu Bridge
Financial risks are transferred from taxpayers to private investors, including responsibility for cost overruns, late completion, failure to meet traffic forecasts, and toll revenue shortfalls.
Five actions transit agencies should take in the next two years
With transit ridership down, most large transit agencies will likely face a severe financial cliff in late 2024 when federal stimulus funds have been depleted.
Five actions transit agencies should take immediately
U.S. transit agencies need to make a series of changes that will reform their boards, contract out service, and better serve riders.
Tolling rural Interstate corridors
Using tolling to refinance the reconstruction of rural highways is the most realistic option to rebuild and expand these important roadways.
The current status of Texas Central’s proposed high-speed rail line linking Dallas and Houston
The high-speed rail vision Texas Central outlined in 2013 of easy land acquisition, quick construction, minimal opposition, and low costs is vastly different from the grim reality that caused the company to abandon its project in 2022.
How express toll lanes benefit drivers
Today, 60 express toll lane projects across the country are providing commuters with faster and more reliable alternative to congested highway lanes.
HOV lanes have failed to reduce traffic congestion or emissions
Carpooling plummeted from 19.7% of commuters in 1980 to only 8.9% in 2019.
How states can implement highway public-private partnerships
With declining fuel tax revenue, growing miles traveled, and aging infrastructure, states can no longer depend on government funding for major highways.
Testing mileage-based user fees as a replacement for Georgia’s gas tax
Georgia’s highways need a new, sustainable funding source.
Converting high occupancy vehicle lanes to high occupancy toll lanes or express toll lanes
This brief examines why and how high-occupancy vehicle lanes are converted, how much the conversions cost, and how high-occupancy toll and express toll lanes have performed.
How to improve transit service for today’s workers and commuters
U.S. metro areas need a new transit approach that is tailored to serving the needs of today’s workers.
How Washington state can transition from the gas tax to road usage charges
This brief suggests a policy framework for developing a road usage charge program in Washington and an implementation order that builds on systems already in place on the state’s major highways.
Ranking how each state’s transportation funding system aligns with the users-pay/users-benefit principle
With direct users-pay funding sources, those who use the highways are the people paying for them.
Annual Highway Report: Ranking each state’s highway conditions and cost-effectiveness
The Annual Highway Report examines every state's pavement and bridge conditions, traffic fatalities, congestion delays, spending per mile, administrative costs, and more.
Vanpools: The forgotten mode of mass transit
Vanpools are a high-quality, low-cost mass transit option.
How to Address Drivers’ Concerns About Toll Roads and Bridges
State leaders need to address drivers' concerns about the tolls they pay and where the money goes.
Transportation and COVID-19: A State Guide to Policy and Priorities
What states can do amidst today's uncertainty, with a policy focus on mitigating risks to public-sector transportation operations and infrastructure investments.