Anil Niraula was a quantitative policy analyst with Reason Foundation's Pension Integrity Project.
The 2022 fiscal year investment results for state pension plans
Overall, the median investment return result for state pension systems in 2022 is -5.2%.
Designing an optimized retirement plan for today’s state and local government employees
This study presents a new retirement plan design, the Personal Retirement Optimization Plan, or PRO Plan, which is built on a defined-contribution foundation but designed to operate more like a traditional pension.
Is Texas’ definition of an actuarially sound public pension system outdated?
With this year's high inflation rates hitting retirees living on fixed incomes the hardest, it is not surprising that retiree groups and their allies are advocating for a cost-of-living adjustment.
Most state pension plans are not adequately prepared for a recession
A recession could add trillions in debt to public retirement systems’ existing unfunded liabilities.
The Teacher Retirement System of Texas needs to adjust its investment return assumptions
TRS has accrued $47.6 billion in pension debt since 2002, and most of it, around $25 billion, came from investment returns falling below the plan's assumptions.
The Great Resignation highlights the need for public pension plans to adapt to today’s mobile workforce
Governments should consider modernizing their retirement plans and options for workers who don’t intend to stay in one position or with one employer for multiple decades.
Working Paper: How shifting to a defined contribution retirement plan impacted teacher retention in Alaska
Using individual-level data for all Alaska teachers in the Teacher Retirement System before and after the retirement benefit change, we assess the effects of pension reform on teacher mobility out of employment with the Alaska K-12 system.
How public pension plans can use last year’s investment returns to reduce debt and future risk
Lowering investment return rate assumptions can help reduce the risks of future shortfalls and ensure proper funding of retirement benefits for teachers and other public workers.
Market risks remain a long-term challenge for public pension systems
Public pension plans need to remain mindful of the balance between long-term returns and the volatility risk inherent in some asset classes.
Three reasons why public pensions still need reform
Despite realizing excellent investment returns in 2021, public pension plans are still in need of reforms to prevent future debt and ensure they can pay out promised benefits.
Investment return results for state pension plans
Tracking state-managed public pension plan investment return results for the latest fiscal year.
One Year of High Investment Returns Does Little to Improve Long-Term Public Pension Funding Levels
Public pension systems should view this year’s excellent investment returns as an outlier, not a norm.
Contribution Increases Could Help New Mexico’s Teacher Pension Plan, But More Changes Are Necessary
Recently proposed changes would improve the pension plan's funded status, but still fall far short of helping the plan reach full funding.
Pension Debt Grows as Public Pension Systems Post Low Investment Returns for 2020
State-managed public pension systems likely added over $200 billion in additional pension debt in 2020.
New Mexico Educational Retirement Board Pension Solvency Analysis
New Mexico's Educational Retirement Board has $7.9 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.
Louisiana State Employees’ Retirement System (LASERS) Pension Solvency Analysis
The Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System has only 64 percent of the assets needed to fully fund the pension system.
Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana Pension Solvency Analysis
The latest, official numbers reveal that the Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana now has over $10 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.
The Funded Status of State-Managed Public Pension Plans
State-level public pension plans' funded status dropped from 97.7 percent in 2001 to 73.6 percent in 2019.