Geoffrey Lawrence is research director at Reason Foundation.
Legislative approaches that could improve access to psychedelic-based medicine
Psychedelics-assisted therapy represents a promising treatment for many mental health issues.
New Mexico’s proposed labor peace mandate violates federal law
House Bill 331 would unconstitutionally usurp the exclusive jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Board to govern private-sector labor relations.
Legalizing psilocybin access in Arizona would benefit mental health
Arizona Senate Bill 1555 would create a regulatory framework for limited, legal access to therapeutic psilocybin services.
Lower cannabis taxes can bolster Alaska’s legal market
The tax reduction proposed in Alaska Senate Bill 73 could induce more marijuana transactions to shift to the legal market.
Model legislation for optimal state regulation of hemp cannabinoids
Reason Foundation’s model legislation offers a clear and practical framework for states seeking to regulate adult-use hemp cannabinoids effectively.
Psychedelic treatment for neurodegenerative disorders
Recent research suggests that psychedelics, such as psilocybin and LSD, show strong potential as effective treatments for neurodegenerative disorders.
Debt trends for state and local governments 2020-2022
This tool provides debt and spending insights for the 100 largest municipalities, counties and school districts in America and all 50 states for fiscal years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
City debt: New York has more than four times the liabilities of Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and other cities
New York City, the District of Columbia, Chicago, Atlanta, Yonkers and Austin have the most per capita liabilities.
County debt: Los Angeles, Miami-Dade and Cook counties among worst in nation
Los Angeles County had $54 billion in liabilities at the end of 2022. Miami-Dade County had $29 billion in total liabilities.
State debt: California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Texas each have over $200 billion in total liabilities
On a per capita basis, Connecticut's $27,031 total liabilities per capita are worst in the nation, followed by New Jersey.
Debt and liquidity in America’s 10 largest cities
During fiscal year 2022, nine of America’s 10 most populous cities generated enough revenue to finance their expenditures.
Batch-tracking: The next wave of marijuana tracking systems
Maine recently implemented a first-of-its-kind system to track marijuana sales, setting a new standard for the industry.
Psychedelic drug policy recommendations for the incoming Trump administration
The incoming Trump administration has promised sweeping reforms, and that might include reversing the federal suppression of psychedelics.
A single cannabis retailer license type would benefit both marijuana and hemp businesses
If the tax and regulatory structure for state-licensed marijuana weren’t so restrictive, a market for hemp-derived products might never have emerged.
Arizona Proposition 138 would change the minimum wage for tipped workers
Under current law, workers who regularly receive tips from customers can be paid up to $3 less per hour by the employer.
Missouri Proposition A would increase the minimum wage, create a sick leave mandate
Missouri Proposition A would increase the minimum hourly compensation to $13.75 in 2025 and $15 in 2026.
Alaska Ballot Measure 1 would raise minimum wage, impact paid sick leave
Alaska Ballot Measure 1 addresses three issues simultaneously: the minimum wage, paid sick leave, and workplace penalties.
California Proposition 32 would increase the minimum wage
If this measure passes, California businesses with more than 25 employees would face an $18 minimum wage by January 2025.