Jen Sidorova is a policy analyst at Reason Foundation.
Public Pensions Shouldn’t Prioritize Political and Social Goals Over Investment Returns
Policymakers should avoid making political statements with pension funds and instead focus on fulfilling the promises made to retirees.
What Factors Impact Public Pension Reform?
This brief analyzes several different factors that impact the likelihood of state policymakers making changes to a pension plan.
Do Public Workers Set Aside Additional Retirement Savings When Their Pension Plan’s Debt Grows?
A new study finds that public workers do not increase their personal savings when the fiscal health of their pension plan is in decline.
Montana Public Employee Retirement System (MPERS) Pension Solvency Analysis
The Montana Public Employee Retirement System public pension plan is only 74 percent funded.
Census Bureau Finds State and Local Pension Contributions Come Up Short
Only 76.1 percent of surveyed pension plans paid their full actuarially determined contribution in 2019, according to Census Bureau data.
North Carolina Teachers & State Employees Retirement System Solvency Analysis
Investment performance falling short of return assumptions has been the largest contributor to the public pension plan's growing debt, adding $7.6 billion in unfunded liabilities since 2008.
USPS Needs Policy Change, Not a Bailout, to Fix Pension Problems and Debt
The United States Postal Service has amassed $120 billion in unfunded pension and other post-employment benefits liabilities.
Mississippi Public Pension Plan Faces Risks and Funding Challenges
Overly optimistic investment return assumptions have been the largest contributor to the Public Employees' Retirement System of Mississippi growing unfunded liability.
Public Pension Plans Won’t Be Able to Invest Their Way Out of Financial Losses, Unfunded Liabilities
The long-term outlook for some public pension plans is beginning to look even worse and is calling out for pension reforms.
Mississippi Public Employees’ Retirement System Solvency Analysis
Underperforming investment returns have been the biggest contributor to the growing unfunded liability, adding $6.8 billion in debt to the system since 2001.
Federal Bailout of Public Pension Systems Would Reward Some States After Decades of Mismanagement
Illinois had $137 billion in unfunded pension liabilities and $54 billion in unfunded retiree health care promises that existed prior to the pandemic.
Proposed Reforms to Georgia’s Teacher Pension System Missed the Mark
Previously introduced legislation to reform the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia attempted to address out of control costs but fell short of comprehensive reform for retirees and taxpayers.
The Impacts of Proposed Changes to Georgia’s Teacher Retirement System
Understanding the bills’ short-term costs along with their potential long-term benefits is critical to fully evaluating these reforms.
North Carolina Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System: A Pension Solvency Analysis
Better risk management and more realistic plan assumptions can help ensure the state delivers the promised retirement benefits to its employees.
USPS Has $120 Billion in Pension and Other Post-Employment Unfunded Liabilities
From 2007 through the 2019 fiscal year, the USPS lost $77 billion and it hasn’t contributed to its retiree health care fund since 2012.
How Puerto Rico’s Debt Problems Could Have a Major Impact on Local Governments Across the US
A congressional proposal aimed at easing Puerto Rico's problems could create widespread issues for bond markets and municipal governments.
Reforming the Postal Service’s Pension and Retiree Health Care Benefit Systems
In absolute numbers, USPS faces $50 billion in unfunded pension liabilities plus $70 billion in unfunded liabilities for retiree health care.