In Education, We Should Prioritize Long-Run Outcomes Over Standardized Test Scores
Researchers and journalists are focusing on the effects of education policies on standardized test scores while ignoring more important long-term outcomes such as crime and earnings.
Congressional Hearing Ignores What’s Best for Public Health, Embraces Myths About Vaping
Most public health experts acknowledge vaping is safer than smoking and is effective at helping smokers quit.
Making Sure Education Money Is Spent Effectively
Training school boards and district officials would better allocate resources and improve student outcomes.
One Person Rail Crews Can Safely Operate Trains
With the advent of new technologies, there is less of a need to staff most trains with two qualified crew members.
Mileage-Based User Fees Represent a Sustainable Way to Pay for Highways
Seeking a sustainable source of funding to build and maintain America’s highways.
The Competition Low-Cost Airlines Bring to the Industry Is Good for Customers
Low-cost carriers provide tremendous value for both individual travelers and the broader American airline industry.
How California and School Districts Can Help Teachers Save for Retirement
Many teachers understandably feel the need to supplement their pensions since CalSTRS members aren’t eligible for Social Security.
Underfunding of Arkansas’ Public Pensions Raised at Trustees’ Meeting
In 2018, the pension plan covering state employees had more than $2 billion in unfunded pension liabilities (i.e. pension debt).
Southern California’s Cities Are Spending Big Instead of Preparing for the Next Economic Downturn
As the stock market continues to set records, it’s easy to forget the fiscal trauma cities and the state were feeling a decade ago.
Managed Lanes and BRT Can Optimize Mass Transit Systems for Today’s Cities
Bus Rapid Transit's attractiveness as a policy solution derives from key features that make it more efficient than regular buses and rail.
Weighted Student Funding Programs Continue to Show Promising Results
A survey of 20 school districts across the country that use some form of student-based budgeting finds it is working, particularly in large urban school districts.
Elizabeth Warren’s Private Equity Plan May Harm Public Employees
Sen. Warren’s plan would be disadvantageous to the many large public employee pension systems that invest in private equity funds.
School Principals Should Have More Say In How Education Funding Is Spent
It’s time for state legislators and school district officials to recognize that principals know what’s best for students.
Progressive California Lags on Legalizing CBD
Economically and entrepreneurially, California now risks being left behind.
Regulators are Getting Away With Mass Constitutional Violations
Whether one agrees or disagrees with the specifics of each particular regulation, it is vital that they are issued in line with the Constitution.
I Worked as a Janitor To Keep My Student Loans Low. Wiping Debt Punishes Students Like Me.
Not only does canceling all student loan debt make the sacrifices I made meaningless, Bernie Sanders' proposal would benefit people who need help the least.
Evidence Clearly Supports School Choice
Nine rigorous studies link private school choice programs to “student attainment”—graduating from high school and going to college.
Proposed Reforms Would Be Another Step in the Right Direction for Michigan Pensions
Legislative package would continue Michigan’s efforts to make its pension plans financially sustainable for the long-term while keeping the promises the state has made to employees and retirees.