Testimony: How to De-Risk and Accurately Price Florida’s Pension Plan
Senate Bill 84 may result in long-term cost savings for the state, but if enacted, the Florida Retirement System will still be vulnerable to realistic market stresses.
Testimony: Texas Employee Pension System Considers Funding Change
Over $4.46 billion of ERS's pension debt can be attributed to the way the state systematically underfunds its public employee pension system.
Testimony: Texas Pensions Would Benefit from Increased Transparency
A Private Equity Portfolio Performance report would make public specific information regarding the private equity holdings of TRS for third-party monitoring and evaluation.
Testimony: Overburdensome Occupational Licensing Hurts Florida’s Economy
HB 735 is an important step toward trimming the regulatory bloat of occupational licensing and will help more Floridians find gainful employment.
Testimony: Florida Considers Electric Vehicle Fees to Replace Gas Tax Revenue
26 states have already implemented electric and hybrid vehicle fees to pay for infrastructure maintenance.
Testimony: Constitutional Protections Against Unreasonable Search and Seizure Should Apply to Digital Data
Digital communications privacy should be enshrined in the Florida state constitution.
Testimony: Michigan Can Improve Pension Systems’ Assumptions, Funding Methods
Package of bills would improve the financial sustainability of the state's pension funds, while keeping the promises the state has made to its employees and retirees.
Testimony: Nebraska Taxpayers, Employees and Retirees Would Benefit From Pension Stress Testing
Stress testing can help stakeholders better understand the potential financial risks facing pension systems.
Testimony: Florida Should Expand Education Savings Accounts
Families should be able to take their children’s education dollars to the education providers of their choice.
Testimony: Maryland Should Look to Massachusetts’ Experience with Statewide Flavor Tobacco Ban
Prohibitions on flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes, could negatively impact public health and important criminal justice reforms.
Testimony: Status of the Florida Retirement System
Despite past reforms to the Florida Retirement System, it is clear that more work must be done to de-risk and accurately price the state's pension plan.
Testimony: New Hampshire Should Reject Proposed Ban on Flavored Vaping Products
The prohibition of flavored e-cigarette products could harm public health and fail to achieve its purpose.
Testimony: Maryland’s Flavored Tobacco Ban Could Have Negative Public Health, Criminal Justice Ramifications
The prohibition will most likely promote further inequalities in the criminal justice system, push tax revenue to surrounding states, increase the illicit tobacco trade, and fail to improve public health.
Testimony: North Dakota Should Fix the State’s Inadequate Public Pension Funding Policy
The North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System can attribute over $585 million of the plan's $1.4 billion in debt to the systematic underfunding of the public pension system.
10 Best Practices for State Automated Vehicle Policy
Reviewing existing state AV policies and recommendations for policymakers.
Testimony: Tolling Could Improve Michigan Infrastructure
Michigan’s Interstates and freeways are generally in very poor condition.
Testimony: Missouri Can Expand Opportunities for Families to Pursue Educational Options Across District Boundaries
A growing body of evidence shows that open enrollment provides substantial benefits to both kids and school districts.