Testimony on Georgia House Bill 1134, Advisory Council on Public-Private Partnerships
Written testimony submitted to the Georgia House Committee on State Planning & Community Affairs
State Competitive Government Commission: A Tool for ‘Right-Sizing’ Kansas Government
Testimony to the Kansas House Appropriations Committee
To Fix Budget San Diego Needs to Implement Managed Competition Immediately
Statement to the San Diego City Council, December 14, 2009
Modernizing and Expanding Pennsylvania’s Transportation Infrastructure through Public-Private Partnerships
Testimony to the Pennsylvania House Republican Policy Committee
The Gathering Pension Storm: Now It Is Raining
Testimony Before the Louisiana House and Senate Retirement Committees
Energy Reduction and Environmental Sustainability in Surface Transportation
Testimony to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Highways and Transit
Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation: Opportunities for Massachusetts
Testimony to the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Transportation
Review of the California High-Speed Rail Business Plan
Testimony to the California Senate Transportation and Housing Committee
Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation
Testimony to the Pennsylvania House Transportation Committee
Private Prison Information Act of 2007
Testimony to the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security
The Future Federal Role for Surface Transportation
Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
Occupational Licensing Laws Protect Special Interests, Not the Public
Testimony to the Arizona House Government Committee
Agency Activity Inventory a Powerful Tool to “Right-Size” State Government
Testimony to the Utah Senate Business and Labor Standing Committee
Developing Transparent, Accountable and High Performing Competition and Privatization Programs
Testimony to the Utah General Assembly Government Competition and Privatization Subcommittee
National Parks Need Competitive Sourcing
Testimony to US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Divesting the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
Testimony to Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee
Improving Mobility in Texas Through Public-Private Partnerships
Testimony to the Texas State Senate Committee on Transportation & Homeland Security
Legislative Proposals on GSE Reforms
Testimony to the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services