Innovative Financing Tools Help States Stretch Transportation Resources
Testimony before the Senate Finance committee on the role of public-private partnerships and state infrastructure banks in transportation financing
The Importance of Property Rights for Endangered Species Conservation
Testimony before the House Constitution and Civil Justice subcommittee on the state of property rights in America ten years after Kelo v. City of New London
How Congress Can Fix the Highway Trust Fund
Testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee on reauthorizing the highway bill and creating a sustainable highway transportation funding model based on user fees
Testimony on Assembly Bill 190 (Kirner) in Nevada Assembly Committee on Ways and Means
Actuarial analysis of the fiscal effects, risk profile adjustment, and benefit changes of AB190 pension reform
Corporatizing the U.S. Air Traffic Control System
Testimony before the House Aviation Subcommittee on making air traffic management independent of the Federal Aviation Administration
Rethinking Federal Policy on Transportation Infrastructure
Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee on infrastructure financing
Federal Government Should Not Bail Out State Pension Systems
Testimony to the California Assembly Committee on Banking and Finance on AJR 10
State of the Highway Trust Fund: Long-Term Solutions for Solvency
Testimony to the Committee on the Budget in the U.S. House of Representatives
Recommendations for Improving Airport Screening
Testimony to the Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation Security
FLAIR Act Would Bring Efficiency, Accountability to Federal Land Management
Testimony to Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources
Lasting Implications of the General Motors Bailout
The four hidden costs that will plague the U.S. economy in the years and decades
Upgrading to High-Speed Rail on Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor
What it would take to transform the Northeast Corridor via public-private partnerships
Funding Transportation With User Fees
Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
Housing Finance Reform: Protecting Taxpayers, Ending Bailouts, Reducing the Government
Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises
A National Infrastructure Bank Can Provide Important Benefits If Mission and Scope Are Defined Narrowly
Testimony Before U.S. House Committee
Questions Legislators Should Ask About High-Speed Rail
Testimony to the National Conference of State Legislatures
Housing Finance Reform: The Case for Beginning the Process for Winding Down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now
Testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services