Standard Market Design in Wholesale Electricity Markets
Can FERC's Proposed Structure Adapt to the Unknown?
Movin’ Juice
Making Electricity Transmission More Competitive
Why Rail Will Fail
An Analysis of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Long Range Plan
Ten Transit Myths
Misperceptions About Rail Transit in Los Angeles and the Nation
Rubber Tire Transit
A Viable Alternative to Rail
Transit Utilization and Traffic Congestion: Is There a Connection?
Research finds no statistically significant evidence linking increases in transit utilization to reductions in congestion
Express Bus and Express Lanes System for the San Francisco Bay Area
This study examines how a new approach to bus transit could assist in improving mobility in the region.
Community Law Enforcement
The Success of San Diego's Volunteer Policing Program
Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Reforming California's Roadway System
Rightsizing Government
Lessons From America's Public-Sector Innovators
Rightsizing Government
Lessons from America's Public Sector Innovators
Performance Based Contracting
Designing State of the Art Contract Administration and Monitoring Systems
Competitive Neutrality
Ensuring a Level Playing Field in Managed Competitions