The Internet Is Not Neutral (and No Law Can Make It So)
Why net neutrality will stifle innovation and competition
Policy Study 375 -
Rethinking Universal-Service Policy in a Broadband Internet Era
Bringing inexpensive broadband connectivity to as many people as possible
Policy Study 376 -
Internet Gambling: The Keys to a Successful Regulatory Climate
How the government can embrace and regulate online gambling
The Dangers of Misapplied Privacy Policies to Search, Social Media and Other Web Content
Let markets shape how consumers choose to interact with websites
Lessons in Municipal Broadband from Lafayette, Louisiana
Broadband isn't a monopoly-based infrastructure utility; it's an extremely competitive service business
Fueling America
How Hydrogen Cars Affect the Environment
Are Hydrogen Cars Good for America?
Policy Study 363
The Limits of Wind Power
Very high wind penetrations are not achievable in practice due to the increased need for power storage, the decrease in grid reliability, and the increased operating costs
Extended Producer Responsibility
Reexamining its Role in Environmental Progress
Looking Beyond ECO
Alternatives to Employer Based Trip Reductions
Defending Automobility
A Critical Examination of the Environmental and Social Costs of Auto Use
Checking up on smog-check
A Critique of Traditional Inspection and Maintenance Programs
Seeking Safety in a Dangerous World
Environmental Risk Reduction Framework for Policymakers