Improving Detroit’s Public Golf Courses Demands Longer-Term Solutions
Allowing long-term, multi-course lease arrangements is how Detroit can save and improve its golf courses.
Milwaukee’s High Discount Rate Concealing Long-Term Pension Funding Issues
Milwaukee's retirement system has been consistently using an aggressively high rate of return assumption, overestimating the return on plan assets and creating the possibility for long-term financial trouble.
Early Positive Results From Colorado’s Pension Reform
S&P Global Ratings announced that it was revising Colorado’s credit outlook from “negative” to “stable” in light of the passage of major reform.
LAUSD’s Fiscal Crisis Can’t be Blamed on Charter Schools or Declining Enrollment
A new Reason Foundation study finds only 35 percent of LAUSD’s enrollment decline over the past 15 years is due to students going to charter schools.
Revenue-Risk Concessions Are a Preview of a Future Highway Utility Industry
Highways are a vital public utility, but are not funded and operated like any of our other utilities.
Pensions and Retiree Health Care Costs Contribute to LA Unified’s Fiscal Woes
A new Reason study finds pension and health care obligations are going to divert a growing proportion of dollars away from public school students and classrooms.
Five Recommendations to Solve LAUSD’s Looming Fiscal Crisis
The process of right-sizing Los Angeles Unified School District presents an opportunity to lay the foundation for a 21st-century education system that’s productive, agile, and responsive to the needs of students.
It’s Time to Rethink America’s Failing Highways
Our nation’s major roads are effectively a utility like any other. It’s time we treated them as such.
The Elusive ‘Epidemic’ of Teen Taping
Few health stories garner so much hyperbolic or uncritical coverage as the claim that e-cigarettes are a "gateway" to smoking.
Self-Driving Cars Can Deliver Huge Safety Gains If We Resist the Urge to Overregulate Them
While Florida has avoided some of the onerous regulations found in California and Nevada, its current legislation is far from perfect for automated-vehicle testing.
Permitting is Making Residential Solar Expensive and Reforms can Change That
Instead of the solar mandate, California would be much better served to continue focusing on reducing the cost of permitting and regulation.
Taking on Homelessness Through Public-Private Partnerships
A “Housing First” program helps the homeless find permanent housing and connects them to the community, health, human, and financial services.
D.C. Should Place a High Wager on Sports Betting
The District could and should be among the first to seize the opportunities presented by legal sports betting.
Occupational Licensing Laws Hurt Patients and Increase Health Care Costs
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants provide valuable medical care to oftentimes underserved communities at a lower cost.
San Francisco, Flavored Vapes, and the Next Prohibition Disaster
If passed, Proposition E will prohibit not just the sale of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars but also flavored e-cigarette products.
California Helped Create and Grow the Sharing Economy, Hopefully it Won’t Destroy it
California's Supreme Court "gig economy" ruling will likely prove to be an unfortunate change for many California workers.
California’s Prop. 69 Puts Focus on How State Spends Transportation Funds
Money raised for roads and highways should be used to maintain and upgrade roads and highways.
Wyoming Wrangles Pension Shortfalls
Two new laws may turnaround declining funded ratios at the Wyoming Retirement System.