Priced Express Lanes Are a Proven Way to Reduce Highway Congestion
Orange County was the site of the world’s first priced express lanes in 1995. With sensible planning, it could also be first in the nation with a seamless network of priced express lanes.
Infographic: How Indiana’s School Finance System Works
Indiana should reduce reliance on local revenues and move funding to a state formula so charter schools and districts are funded on an equal footing.
The Democratic Party’s Presidential Candidates Didn’t Practice What the Preach on School Choice
The majority of the front-runners either attended private schools themselves or sent their own children to private schools, yet they’re fighting hard against programs that would grant similar options to the less fortunate.
Sen. Warren Chose Private School For Her Son, But Aims to Limit School Choice Programs
Sen. Warren’s radically anti-choice education plan would ban for-profit charter schools, end federal funding for new charters and make it more difficult to open them.
The CDC Botched Its Vaping Investigation And Helped Spark A National Panic
Instead of conducting a reasonable investigation and giving consumers useful advice, CDC has been deliberately ambiguous and helped prompt a national panic.
Infographic: How South Carolina’s School Finance System Works
A better alternative would be to give local leaders autonomy over how education dollars are spent.
A Vaping Ban Would Be Bad Policy and Bad Politics
A full flavor prohibition is both unnecessary and unlikely to solve the teen vaping problem.
West Contra Costa County: A Bermuda Triangle of Government Finance
It’s where taxpayer money often disappears without explanation, leaving local governments teetering on insolvency
How the Push for Politically-Motivated Divestment Could Hurt California’s Pension Systems
Forcing or pressuring California’s pension boards to divest from sectors for political reasons limits their options and risks threatening the financial futures of workers and taxpayers.
Licensing Reform Could Expand Health Care Access and Reduce Costs
States, including Florida, may struggle to provide adequate access to medical care as their populations age.
California’s Pension Systems Need To Continue Lowering Return Expectations and Reducing Risk
CalPERS achieved an investment return of 6.7 percent during the latest fiscal year, and similarly, CalSTRS saw a 6.8 percent net return, both short of the 7 percent benchmark established by their managing boards.
The Shifting Burden and Benefits of New York’s Congestion Pricing Revenue
Unfortunately, the main focus of TMRB seems to be to guarantee that congestion pricing revenue produces at least $1 billion a year.
Michigan’s Marijuana Regulation Efforts Could Become a Model for Other States
Michigan was able to process and approve its first marijuana license application within 43 minutes.
California Community Colleges Have $2.7 Billion in Unfunded Retiree Health Care Obligations
As California's community colleges strive to attract students and keep fees low, many are struggling with their high pension and bond costs.
Credit Rating Upgrade Doesn’t Clear Arizona of its Pension Problems
The state has $27 billion in unfunded pension liabilities today in its four major pension plans.
How To Make State and Local Budgets More Accountable to Taxpayers
Measuring performance allows policymakers to distinguish policy successes from policy failures.
More Pension Debt Revealed As Florida Lowers Assumed Rate of Return to More Realistic Levels
Missing the mark on investment return assumptions has added $17 billion to the Florida Retirement System's unfunded liability over the past decade.
Slight Improvement, But Same Story: Louisiana Teachers’ Pensions Are Still in Trouble
Long-term investment losses have systematically starved TRSL of the revenue it needs to keep the retirement system on track to full funding.