Remote Towers Offer Hope for Smaller U.S. Airports
European countries are using remote air traffic control towers to improve and expand tower services.
Pension Reform Will Help Michigan Teachers
Recent pension reform legislation will improve retirement choices for future teachers, increase compensation for some recently hired teachers, and ensure the state will pay every dollar of pensions to teachers.
Moving Toward a Better Retirement System for Government and Private-Sector Workers
California’s plan to automatically enroll private-sector workers who don’t have retirement plans into a state-run savings account was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last year.
Pension Reform Newsletter #37 (June 2017 edition)
Michigan's innovative teacher pension reform, Pennsylvania's major pension reform, Houston/Dallas pension reform legislation enacted, and more.
Time to Get U.S. Air Traffic Control Out of the 1960s
The U.S. air traffic system is the world’s largest, but technologically it lags behind other countries that have implemented digital messaging, GPS flight tracking and newer alternatives to the 1960s-era systems still found in U.S. air traffic facilities.
Unions Try to Make It Harder for Local Governments to Make Pension Payments
As unfunded pension liabilities mount, California’s cities and counties are bracing for the additional contributions they’ll have to make to the California Public Employees’ Retirement System.
Michigan Adopts Most Innovative Teacher Pension Reform in the Nation
Changes to MPSERS reduce risk, provide choice, stabilize long-term costs, and keep promises.
Corporatizing Air Traffic Control Fixes Key Problems
Air traffic control is a high-tech service business currently embedded in a tax-funded government bureaucracy, which leads to a number of predictable consequences.
The Tennessee Health Department’s E-Cigarette Advice Is Dangerous and Misleading
Smokers should know that switching to vaping can dramatically reduce exposure to dangerous chemicals.
New Tough-on-Crime Federal Legislation Would be Devastating for California
After a couple of years of convincing federal lawmakers to reduce incarceration rates and reform mandatory minimum sentences, Congress Republicans are drafting a new border security bill that goes in the opposite, and wrong, direction.
How and Why to Toll the Interstates that Need Reconstruction
Replacing aging Interstate highways with toll-financed new ones.