Unreleased Report Shows Los Angeles Unified School District’s Unfunded Retiree Health Benefit Liability Nears $15 Billion
Compared to the previous biennial report, unfunded liabilities increased $1.4 billion. The actuarial report findings will impact the district's 2018 balance sheet.
Contracts With Private Prisons Should Prioritize Quality Inmate Service Delivery Over Costs
A performance-based approach to corrections that prioritizes rehabilitating inmates is gaining momentum in private prisons.
New York City Schools Should Continue Using Fair Student Funding
Fair Student Funding is set of best practices that can drive innovation, change, and accountability.
Striking Teachers Are Right To Be Outraged, Wrong On the Solutions
A systematic, decades-long hiring glut of non-teaching staffing positions is taking too much money.
Don’t Overreact to a Couple of Accidents, Self-Driving Cars Can Save Thousands of Lives
Driverless cars don’t need to be perfect in order to be dramatically better than human drivers.
Prohibition All Over Again — This Time, for Cigarettes
The Food and Drug Administration is taking the first step down a regulatory road that ends with prohibition.
New Jersey Legislature Considering Education Savings Accounts
Education Savings Accounts are an excellent way to expand access to school choice for New Jersey families.
Ride-Pooling Helps Consumers and Local Economies
“Ride-pooling” is one of the fastest growing areas of ridesharing and is part of sustainable transportation planning.
Fuel Economy Standards Hurt Consumers and the Economy
Mileage-based user fees are better suited to address the pollution associated with vehicle use.
UC Berkeley Study: Public Pension Costs Crowding Out Other Municipal Spending Priorities
Average city pension contributions increased 69 percent in real dollars over 10 years.
California’s High Taxes and Regulation Mean Black Market for Marijuana is Still Appealing
Successful legalization of cannabis in California would crush black markets.
Beware of Politicians Claiming Transit Projects Will Deliver Traffic Congestion Relief
The biggest reason transit does not reduce congestion is induced demand.
Transit Agencies Can Generate Revenue By Selling Naming Rights
A city looking to sell transit naming rights can include lawful stipulations preventing companies from certain types of industries from engaging in the bidding process, but may run into free speech concerns.
Marijuana Legalization Can Help Solve the Opioid Problem
Marijuana legalization is chipping away at the social and personal harms of dangerous drug use more effectively and vastly less expensively than the failed War on Drugs.
Replacing Per-Gallon Taxes With Per-Mile Charges Is the Best Path Forward
The transition from per-gallon to per-mile will be a major shift in transportation funding.
Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Has Good News and Bad News for California’s Highways
California ranks 42nd in the nation in overall highway conditions and cost-effectiveness, with poor rankings in urban traffic congestion and pavement condition.
The Feds Ignore Facts in Crusade Against Smoking, and it’s Harmful to Consumers
FDA Commissioner Gottlieb is making headlines on slashing nicotine in cigarettes and regulating flavored tobacco products.