Spence Purnell is Director of Technology Policy at the Reason Foundation.
Prior to joining Reason, Spence worked as director of business development at Florida startup Dealers United and as an analyst for the state of Florida's Executive Office of the Governor (Florida Gubernatorial Fellowship).
Spence graduated from Stetson University with a bachelors degree in political science and is working on an MPA at Florida State, where his research has focused on database infrastructure and analytics, economic development, and policy evaluation methods.
Purnell is based in Florida.
Annual Highway Report: Ranking each state’s highway conditions and cost-effectiveness
The Annual Highway Report examines every state's pavement and bridge conditions, traffic fatalities, congestion delays, spending per mile, administrative costs, and more.
25th Annual Highway Report
The 25th Annual Highway Report measures the condition and cost-effectiveness of state-controlled highways in 13 categories, including pavement condition, traffic congestion, fatalities, and spending per mile.
Marijuana Taxation and Black Market Crowd-Out
Tax rates that elevate the price of legal marijuana significantly above black market prices prolong the presence of illegal markets and reduce government tax receipts.
24th Annual Highway Report
North Dakota, Virginia and Missouri have the best performing, most cost-efficient state highway systems, while New Jersey, Rhode Island and Hawaii have the worst.
Marijuana Delivery: Addressing Concerns and Public Policy Issues
There is little reason to suggest that any of the social and economic costs potentially associated with legalization are exacerbated to any extent by allowing delivery services.
A Common Sense Approach to Marijuana Therapy
Individuals and their doctors should be making appropriate marijuana therapy determinations.
Market Size Estimates For Legalized Marijuana
Estimates for the potential size of a new legal marijuana market are often riddled with uncertainty and inaccuracy, and can also be skewed by tenuous assumptions.
Does Marijuana Legalization Increase Traffic Accidents?
Studies looking at the prevalence of drivers impaired by THC are prone to overestimate crash risk because of other risk factors.
Do Capitalization Requirements Make Sense For The Cannabis Industry?
Small business owners without lots of capital deserve the opportunity to enter the industry without burdensome requirements that do not fulfill their intended purpose.
Follow The Jobs: Assessing Florida’s Business Incentives Programs
The incentives programs, despite spending billions of taxpayer dollars, have not produced any meaningful or measurable positive economic outcomes for Floridians.
23rd Annual Highway Report
Ranking each state's highway system in 11 categories, including highway spending, pavement and bridge conditions, traffic congestion, and fatality rates.