Andrew Abbott is a quantitative analyst with Reason Foundation’s Pension Integrity Project.
Infographic: The Funded Ratios for Teachers’ Pension Plans in Each State
The changes in the funded ratios of the primary public pension plan for teachers in each state from 2001 to 2017.
New Mexico Needs Pension Reforms, Shared Sacrifice to Pay for Promised Retirement Benefits
The changes should provide $700 million in immediate savings and are projected to eliminate over $6 billion in unfunded liabilities.
Analysis of the New Mexico PERA Pension Solvency Task Force’s Preliminary Recommendations
The changes are significant and positive steps for PERA, but leave some systemic challenges—namely actuarial methods and assumptions—unaddressed.
Assessing the Financial Sustainability of Montana’s Largest Public Pension Systems
Despite investment markets showing historic gains, Montana’s public pension systems are experiencing an increase in unfunded liabilities and are likely to continue on their path to insolvency if needed technical adjustments aren't made.
New Mexico Takes Steps to Reform Teacher Pensions, But More Is Needed
These recent positive steps still fall short of meaningfully addressing NMERB’s longer-term solvency concerns.
Fort Worth Employees Vote for Meaningful Pension Reform
The changes to Fort Worth’s public pension plan focus on adjustments to both contributions and benefits.
Pennsylvania Commission’s Recommendations For the State’s $60 Billion Pension Debt
"Without full annual funding, none of the following recommendations will be sufficient to ensure the availability of retirement benefits for future generations of public servants."
Fort Worth Takes Steps Toward Meaningful Pension Reform
The proposed changes could be a major step towards protecting the retirement security of Fort Worth’s police, fire, and other government workers.
Bond Downgrade Will Cost Vermont
Policymakers must shore up the state pension system.
Fort Worth Employee Pension Challenge Requires a Multifaceted Solution
The brewing pension crisis means public workers face a critical decision.