Voters’ guide to California’s statewide ballot questions (2024)
ID 23151437 © Joe Sohm |

Voters' Guide

Voters’ guide to California’s statewide ballot questions (2024)

Reason Foundation’s policy analysts examine some of the statewide ballot propositions on the California ballot in November 2024.

Reason Foundation’s policy analysts are examining some of the ballot measures on the California ballot in November 2024.

California Proposition 2: Public Education Facilities Bond Measure

California Proposition 3: Right to Marry and Repeal Proposition 8 Amendment

California Proposition 4: Parks, Environment, Energy, and Water Bond Measure

California Proposition 5: Lower Supermajority Requirement to 55% for Local Bond Measures to Fund Housing and Public Infrastructure Amendment

California Proposition 6: Remove Involuntary Servitude as Punishment for Crime Amendment

California Proposition 32: $18 Minimum Wage Initiative

California Proposition 33: Prohibit State Limitations on Local Rent Control

California Proposition 34: Require Certain Participants in Medi-Cal Rx Program to Spend 98% of Revenues on Patient Care Initiative

California Proposition 35: Managed Care Organization Tax Authorization Initiative

California Proposition 36: Drug and Theft Crime Penalties and Treatment-Mandated Felonies Initiative