Surface Transportation Innovations #89
Federalism and reauthorization, transportation and oil dependence, cutting GHGs via smart growth
Surface Transportation Innovations #88
A dissent on the transportation budget proposal, Pew report on GHG reductions, further thoughts on high-speed rail, do more jobs justify infrastructure investment?
Surface Transportation Innovations # 87
Elections impact on federal transportation policy, rethinking ports and waterways funding, emission-reducing highways
Surface Transportation Innovations # 86
HOT lanes proliferating nationwide, electric vehicles, transit and greenhouse gas reduction
Surface Transportation Innovations # 85
High-Speed Rail's Obstacles, HOT Network in DC, New Urban Tunnels Proposed
Surface Transportation Innovations #84
Questioning travel time index
Surface Transportation Innovations #83
Value pricing, heavy trucks and buses vs. high-speed rail
Surface Transportation Innovations #82
Rethinking the Highway Trust Fund, High Speed Rail and Development, Density and GHG Reduction
Surface Transportation Innovations #81
Truck-only toll lanes, freight rail vs. high speed rail, and managed lanes for the Midwest
Surface Transportation Innovations #80
Rethinking carpool lanes and bus transit, congestion and CO2, and DOT's strategic plan
Surface Transportation Innovations #79
US DOT's strategic plan, expanding highway capacity, private funding for rail and more
Surface Transportation Innovations #78
Highway reauthorization bill and transferring risk in toll road deals
Surface Transportation Innovations #77
Tolling Interstates? Greenhouse gas reduction and transportation, highway bottlenecks
Surface Transportation Innovations #76
Infrastructure funding, monorails, city congestion data
Surface Transportation Innovations #75
Issue No. 75, January 2010
Surface Transportation Innovations #74
Road pricing and capacity expansion, congestion relief, private activity bonds
Surface Transportation Innovations #73
Progress converting carpool lanes into toll lanes, vehicle miles traveled and the economy, and phasing out gas taxes
Surface Transportation Innovations #72
A federal toll czar, funding transit as social infrastructure and reducing vehicle miles traveled