Surface Transportation News #129
The elephant in the room in reauthorization
Surface Transportation News #128
Fresh thinking on urban transit
Surface Transportation News #127
Tolling and P3s boosted in Obama transportation bill, Colorado dust-up over toll concessions, Progress and questions on autonomous vehicles
Surface Transportation News #126
Value-Added Tolling: getting to "yes" on Interstate modernization, How to mislead with transit data, New developments in arterial underpasses
Surface Transportation News #125
The make-believe transportation budget proposal, Good news on highways and bridges, More elevated express lanes in Tampa area
Surface Transportation News #124
Per-mile tolling vs. per-gallon fuel taxes, Strategic thinking on managed lanes networks, New Starts transit funding under pressure
Surface Transportation News #123
US congestion less than in Europe. Managed lane networks taking shape. Competing bills on infrastructure financd.
Surface Transportation Newsletter #122
US congestion less than in Europe and Australia, Managed lane networks taking shape, Competing bills on infrastructure finance
Surface Transportation Newsletter #121
Tolls are not taxes, says Virginia Supreme Court, Debut of new version of Commuting in America, Searching for a national freight policy
Surface Transportation Newsletter #120
Priced managed lanes are proliferating, Making sense out of autonomous vehicle claims, Should fuel taxes be replaced by sales taxes
Surface Transportation Newsletter #119
Reconstructing the Interstates with toll finance, Continued debate over traffic growth, Harbor tax reform worse than the status quo, and More...
Surface Transportation Newsletter #118
Populist attack on tolling in Virginia, TIFIA and project bankruptcy, Express lane projects gaining traffic, and More...
Surface Transportation Newsletter #117
TIFIA troubles and Delaney's proposal, Oregon's new mileage-based user fee, New "Buy America" rules holding up projects and More...
Surface Transportation Newsletter #116
VMT growth and the Millennials, Whither autonomous vehicles?, I-5 bridge collapse highlights flawed system
Surface Transportation Newsletter #115
Access to jobs via auto, Inside the transit "black box," and More
Surface Transportation Newsletter #114
Conflicting reports on California high-speed rail, rethinking the federal role
Surface Transportation Newsletter #113
Congestion problems, Amtrak's future, Repeal the Jones Act?
Surface Transportation Newsletter #112
Highways and bridges are not crumbling, fixing structurally deficient bridges