Legislative approaches that could improve access to psychedelic-based medicine
Psychedelics-assisted therapy represents a promising treatment for many mental health issues.
Iowa House File 68 would be a step backward for open enrollment
Iowa H.F. 68 would let school districts reject applicants who are English learners based on artificial standards.
Nebraska Legislative Bill 557 would improve open enrollment
Adopting robust open enrollment policies in Nebraska would help ensure that public schools are available to all students.
Alaska Senate Bill 82 would make it easier for students to transfer schools
Adopting a robust open enrollment policy in Alaska would help ensure that public schools are available to all students.
New Mexico’s proposed labor peace mandate violates federal law
House Bill 331 would unconstitutionally usurp the exclusive jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Board to govern private-sector labor relations.
New Hampshire House Bill 741-FN would improve open enrollment
Adopting a robust open enrollment policy in New Hampshire would help ensure that public schools are available to all students.
Lower cannabis taxes can bolster Alaska’s legal market
The tax reduction proposed in Alaska Senate Bill 73 could induce more marijuana transactions to shift to the legal market.
Washington has a chance to examine ibogaine-assisted therapy benefits
Washington Senate Bill 5204 would allow research into ibogaine-assisted therapy, a promising potential treatment for opioid use disorder.
Virginia House Bill 1624 would heavily regulate social media
Virginia H.B. 1624 attempts to define which features and services offered by social media platforms are potentially risky for minors.
STB should reject Amtrak’s claim to absolute preference over freight rail
Adopting Amtrak’s dubious absolute preference standard runs counter to the public interest by violating principles of Congress’s transportation policy.
Legal analysis suggests Michigan House Bill 6060 violates state law
Actuarial analysis of proposed pension benefit changes of this magnitude is required by law in Michigan under MCL Section 38.1140h
Michigan Senate Bills 165, 166, and 167 would increase public pension costs
Under a best-case scenario, the additional cost of this pension proposal would be just north of $800 million over the next 30 years.
Michigan House Bill 6060 would negatively impact the teacher pension system
Michigan House Bill 6060 would add between $17 billion to $20 billion in new employer costs over the next few decades.
Michigan House Bill 6061 would undo public pension progress
Proposed changes would re-expose Michigan to unnecessary unfunded liabilities, financial risks, and billions in hidden costs.
Modernizing air traffic control infrastructure requires institutional modernization
Institutional problems are undermining efforts to modernize infrastructure needed to support continued air traffic volume growth in the National Airspace System.
Colorado should rethink proposed psychedelic application fees
There are several areas where the draft permanent rules on fees for psychedelic applications proposed by the Colorado Department of Revenue could be enhanced.
Colorado could improve regulatory rules regarding psychedelic use
As Colorado establishes an operating regulatory framework for The Natural Medicine Health Act, there is room for improvement in rulemaking.
Revenue, ridership, and post-pandemic lessons in public transit
The consensus in the transportation research community is nationwide transit ridership is unlikely to recover its pre-pandemic ridership levels in the next decade.