Does Recreational Marijuana Legalization Contribute To Homelessness?
Some people have claimed that the recent increase in homelessness in Colorado and Washington is a consequence of a “green rush” to these states following legalization.
California’s Prop. 69 Puts Focus on How State Spends Transportation Funds
Money raised for roads and highways should be used to maintain and upgrade roads and highways.
Gundy v. United States
Deciding which rules will govern Mr. Gundy’s conduct is the sole province of this nation’s legislature, not the Attorney General.
Wyoming Wrangles Pension Shortfalls
Two new laws may turnaround declining funded ratios at the Wyoming Retirement System.
Air Traffic Control Newsletter #154
House Shoots Down Modest ATC Reforms
Colorado Adopts Significant Pension Changes for All Public Employees
In SB200, the Colorado Legislature has enacted meaningful improvements to the state’s pension system, which will lead PERA to a considerably improved long-term position.
Cannabis Legalization and Juvenile Access
Decriminalizing marijuana and legalizing medical cannabis did not increase juvenile use.
The Gateway Effect of Marijuana
Given the weak evidence for a causal relationship between youth marijuana use and subsequent use of other drugs, policymakers should not be overly concerned about the brain chemistry gateway effect.
Do Capitalization Requirements Make Sense For The Cannabis Industry?
Small business owners without lots of capital deserve the opportunity to enter the industry without burdensome requirements that do not fulfill their intended purpose.
Addressing the Problem of Marijuana-Impaired Driving
Drug recognition expert officers are in the best position to decide whether or not the driver is actively impaired by THC.
The Cautionary Tale of Puerto Rico’s Pensions
After years of underfunding, Puerto Rico's Employee Retirement System has exhausted its assets and some of its beneficiaries are facing cuts.
New Jersey and North Carolina Retirement Systems Modify Investment Return Assumptions in Opposite Directions
Nearly three-fourths of major American public pension plans have reduced their investment return assumptions since the fiscal year 2010.
Annual Privatization Report 2018: Transportation Finance
Investment trends in highways, airports and other infrastructure.
Frequently Asked Questions: Highway P3s
Public-private partnerships are a policy tool that can help governments with the design, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance of highways.
The Transportation Advantages Of Dispersed City Structures Compared To Central Business District-Focused City Structures
The reasons for the evolution from central business district-focused, hub-and-spoke city structures to dispersed grid pattern structures.
The Economic Problems Caused By Constraining Urban Growth
Urban growth boundaries effectively exert an extremely regressive tax upon cities, imposing far greater everyday costs on young or low-income residents, and first-time home buyers.
Surface Transportation News #175
A toll increase or tax increase in San Francisco, transit-rich neighborhoods, and cities rethink rail.