Corey A. DeAngelis is a senior fellow at Reason Foundation.
DeAngelis is also a senior fellow at the American Culture Project, executive director at Educational Freedom Institute, an adjunct scholar at Cato Institute, and a board member at Liberty Justice Center.
He is the national bestselling author of The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools (Center Street, 2024).
DeAngelis' research primarily focuses on the effects of school choice programs. He has authored or co-authored over 40 journal articles, book chapters, and reports on education policy. His research has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals such as Social Science Quarterly, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Educational Review, Educational Research and Evaluation, Journal of School Choice, and the Cato Journal. His work has also been featured in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Post, The Hill, Washington Examiner, Foundation for Economic Education, EdChoice, and Education Next.
DeAngelis received his Ph.D. in Education Policy from the University of Arkansas. He additionally holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Arts in Economics from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
State Tests Deter Private Schools From Participating in Voucher Programs
We found that the state testing mandate reduced the likelihood that private school leaders were certain to participate by 46 percent.
An Analysis of K-12 Student Safety Policies and School Climates in Indiana
Results suggest that private schools and public charter schools are less likely to use school safety practices that restrict students than are traditional public schools.
The Impact of Regulatory Compliance Costs on Private School Participation in Voucher Programs
More specialized private schools tend to be less likely to participate in voucher programs than regular private schools.
How the Most Economically Disadvantaged Families Choose Schools
New research on school choice shows that even the least advantaged find superior schools for their kids and get better results.
Education Professors Misrepresent School Choice Yet Again
Kids are more than test scores.
The Flaws In Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s Charter School Plan
Fair funding means giving all children the same education dollars regardless of what kind of school works best for them.
Study Finds School Choice Increases Earnings in Colombia
We should consider all relevant outcomes when evaluating any education policy, especially since families don’t want schools solely focusing on standardized tests.
In Education, We Should Prioritize Long-Run Outcomes Over Standardized Test Scores
Researchers and journalists are focusing on the effects of education policies on standardized test scores while ignoring more important long-term outcomes such as crime and earnings.
Evidence Clearly Supports School Choice
Nine rigorous studies link private school choice programs to “student attainment”—graduating from high school and going to college.
The Limits to Research on the Effectiveness of Unschooling
Most families know much more about their children’s needs than bureaucrats sitting in offices hundreds of miles away.
Unschooling and School Choice: A Complicated Relationship
The evidence is largely on the side of freedom in education. And adding unschooling to the set of educational options available to families increases that freedom.
Yet Another Study Shows School Choice Programs Reduce Crime
The evidence shows school choice does more to cut crime than residentially-assigned public schools.
What If Vouchers Came With More Freedom for Public School Leaders? Our Research Shows They Still Wouldn’t Go Along
Although there may be merit in such policy, deregulating public schools will not increase their leaders’ support for private school vouchers in California.
Education Professors Ignore the Evidence On School Choice
How could anyone get these findings so wrong?
Deal or No Deal? The Effects of Deregulation on Public School Leaders’ Support for Private School Choice in California
Public school leaders might be more likely to support private school voucher programs if they are enacted alongside public school deregulations.
Is School Choice a Trojan Horse?
The effects of school choice laws on homeschool prevalence.
Does Private Schooling Affect International Test Scores?
Evidence from a natural experiment in a new study.
What Wisconsin’s Governor Gets Wrong About Milwaukee’s School Voucher Program Costs
While there is strong evidence that the program results in higher achievement for students, school choice is not just about test scores.