Anil Niraula was a quantitative policy analyst with Reason Foundation's Pension Integrity Project.
Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL) Pension Solvency Analysis
Investment returns failing to meet unrealistic expectations has been the largest contributor to the unfunded liability growth, adding $4.2 billion to the unfunded liability since 2000.
Study: State Pensions Are Badly Trailing Their Own Investment Return Assumptions
A recent study highlights the costly pitfalls of making overly optimistic rate of return assumptions and the associated investment risks borne by public pension plans.
New Mexico Takes Steps to Reform Teacher Pensions, But More Is Needed
These recent positive steps still fall short of meaningfully addressing NMERB’s longer-term solvency concerns.
Warren Buffett: Avoid States With Large Unfunded Pension Liabilities
Buffett's advice should be yet another public nudge for states to look closer at curbing their pension costs and keeping tax burdens at bay.
Public Employees Are Living Longer Than Previously Assumed, New Report Finds
This could mean higher costs of pre-funding benefits for many small to mid-sized public pension plans.
Texas Supreme Court Grants Dallas Police and Fire Pension System a Legal Victory
This legal victory will help avoid further dents to the pension plan’s degraded solvency.
The Retirement System of Alabama Acquires One of the Largest Newspaper Groups, Expanding its Non-Traditional Investments
RSA already has an extended pool of non-traditional investments—golf courses, airliners and the largest office building in New York City, 55 Water, are just some of them.
Many Georgia Teachers Missing Out on Retirement Benefits, New Analysis Finds
The uneven nature of pension benefit accruals along with weak retention rates should signal to policymakers that they need to better tailor plan designs to the needs of public workers.
Social Change Is Outside the Role of Public Pensions
Public pension plans can’t afford to undermine their fiduciary responsibilities in favor of making social or political statements.
New Research Examines Why Public Pension Funding Gaps Are Widening
The financial gap between poorly- and well-funded public pension plans is growing.
City Budgets Bend Under Growing Pension Costs and Dwindling Revenues
Mounting pension debt costs diverts millions of tax dollars from public services each year.
Public Pension Funding Remains Challenging, Despite Two-Year Streak of Healthy Investment Returns
What does the investment return for Fiscal Year 2018 mean as part of the big picture?
Governments Issuing Pension Obligation Bonds Risk Worsening, Not Improving, Their Financial Shape
POBs bring long-term risks that can worsen a government's fiscal health.
Michigan Treasury Rejects Two-Thirds of Local Government Requests to Circumvent New Pension, OPEB Reporting Standards
This is just the first part of the 2017 legislation designed to shore up locally administered pension plans.
New Jersey and North Carolina Retirement Systems Modify Investment Return Assumptions in Opposite Directions
Nearly three-fourths of major American public pension plans have reduced their investment return assumptions since the fiscal year 2010.
Dallas Police and Fire Pension Reforms See Early Success
Dallas is demonstrating the value in passing reforms that focus on core issues of governance and supplementary pension accounts.
S&P Global Ratings Lowers Credit Outlook for Cook County, Citing Unfunded Pension Liabilities
Cook County’s pension crisis is an explicit example of how pension underfunding can affect credit outlooks and ratings.
Major Advisors Lower Their Long-Term Investment Return Outlooks, Curbing Public Pension Plans’ Enthusiasm
Public pension plans should use these market outlook updates to better gauge their long-term investment return assumptions and safeguard pension assets from the future market volatilities.