Surface Transportation Innovations #76
Infrastructure funding, monorails, city congestion data
Surface Transportation Innovations #75
Issue No. 75, January 2010
Surface Transportation Innovations #74
Road pricing and capacity expansion, congestion relief, private activity bonds
Surface Transportation Innovations #73
Progress converting carpool lanes into toll lanes, vehicle miles traveled and the economy, and phasing out gas taxes
Surface Transportation Innovations #72
A federal toll czar, funding transit as social infrastructure and reducing vehicle miles traveled
Surface Transportation Innovations #71
Growth and gridlock, transportation policy and greenhouse gas reduction
Surface Transportation Innovations #70
How should highway funds be spent? Mixing transportation and greenhouse gas policies
Surface Transportation Innovations #69
Cash-for-clunkers, CO2 and transportation and transit capital costs
Surface Transportation Innovations #68
Performance-based transportation, targeting vehicle miles traveled, Obama and the Beach Boys
Surface Transportation Innovations #67
Topics include: bills to curtail toll road PPPs; caution on economic impact studies; carbon caps; tunnels to somewhere; buses vs. inter-city rail; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations #66
Topics include: protecting the public interest in public-private partnership toll road deals; fresh thinking on highway design; role for tolling ; automating HOT lanes enforcement; greenhouse gas regulation; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations #65
Topics include: VMT charge vs. VMT tax; PPPs and the stimulus; public sector comparator models; inter-city high-speed rail; California's new PPP legislation; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations #64
Topics include:Bridges to Somewhere; The "Foreign Companies" Issue; Infrastructure Report Card; Sidewalks and Bikeways; Truck Toll Lanes;
Surface Transportation Innovations #63
Topics include: the stimulus bill and PPPs; transit investment; Texas commission charting course for PPPs; getting rid of cash tolling; fixing America's bridges; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 62
Topics include: transportation spending and economic stimulus; new models for city parking; danger signs on electric cars; new evidence on the cost of congestion; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 61
Topics include: infrastructure funds alive and well; comparing modes on energy and emissions; new Reason book on mobility; progress on truck toll lanes; clean diesel locomotives; Caltrans rapid repair; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 60
Topics include: creating a HOT Network while minimizing capital outlays; megaprojects cut congestion, add economic value; rethinking the "costs of sprawl"; unjustified exemptions from gas taxes and tolls; centralized dredging fund-another "tax-and-grant"
Surface Transportation Innovations # 59
Topics include: PPPs vs. traditional projects; PIRG on toll concessions; smart growth won't cut GHGs; bridge conditions one year later; tolling in California; tolls beat taxes in UCLA/USC study; and other news.