Protecting the Children
Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Children's Environmental Health
Competitive Cities
A Report Card on Efficiency in Service Delivery in America's Largest Cities
Getting Electricity Deregulation Right
How Other States and Nations Have Avoided California's Mistakes
Powering Up California
Policy Alternatives for the California Energy Crisis
Giving a Leg Up to Bootstrap Entrepreneurship
Expanding Economic Opportunity in America's Urban Centers
Managing for Results at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
A Report to the 43rd President and 107th Congress
Preparing for the Storm
Preserving Water Resources with Stormwater Utilities
Innovative School Facility Partnerships
Downtown, Airport, and Retail Space
Clearing the Air in Houston
Innovative Strategies for Ozone Control and Air Quality
Infrastructure Outsourcing
Leveraging Concrete, Steel, and Asphalt with Public-Private Partnerships
Putting Customers in the Driver’s Seat
The Case for Tolls
No Intelligible Principles
The EPA's Record in Federal Court
Privatizing Landfills
Market Solutions for Solid-waste Disposal