Better Prices and Better Services for More People
Assessing the Outcomes of Video Franchise Reform
I Want My MTV
Reforming Video Franchises for Competitive TV Services
No Choices Left Behind
Competitive Models to Restructure California's Lowest-Performing Schools
Spinning its Wheels
An Analysis of Lessons Learned from iProvo's First 18 Months of Municipal Broadband
Reducing Congestion in Atlanta
A Bold New Approach to Increasing Mobility
Analysis of California’s Proposition 88
Education Funding, Real Property Parcel Tax, Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute
Analysis of California’s Proposition 90
The Protect Our Homes Act
A Bad Idea Gone Too Far
Proposition 86, The Tobacco Tax
Undermining the Future
Problems with November's Bond Initiatives, and Alternatives
The Bond Propositions on California’s November Ballot
Where Would the Money Be Spent?
Addressing California’s School and University Building Needs
Alternatives to Proposition 1D
Addressing California’s Affordable Housing Shortage
Alternatives to Proposition 1C
Propositions 1E and 84
Funding the State's Water and Flood Control Infrastructure