The Future of Too Big to Fail and Bailouts
A comparison of the two plans to overhaul financial services regulation in the 21st Century
Policy Brief 81 -
Trends In Public and Contracted Government Services From 2002 to 2007
Privatization and outsourcing by local governments
Policy Brief 80 -
Taxpayer’s Guide to the Stimulus
Where is all that stimulus money going?
The Internet Is Not Neutral (and No Law Can Make It So)
Why net neutrality will stifle innovation and competition
Policy Study 375 -
California’s May 2009 Special Election
Analyzing the Propositions and Offering Alternatives for Real Reform
Policy Brief 79 -
The Catastrophe of What Passes for Alcohol Policy Analysis
What costs does alcohol impose on California's taxpayers?
Policy Brief 78 -
Weighted Student Formula Yearbook 2009
Examining the school districts using student-based "backpack" funding to improve results
Housing Market Resilience and Affordability in Houston, Texas
Houston's housing market has been more resilient than other Texas cities
Reducing Congestion in Lee County, Florida
Cutting traffic in one of America's fastest growing urban areas
Avoiding an American Lost Decade
Lessons from Japan's Bubble and Recession
California’s Spending by the Numbers
A Historic Look at State Spending from Gov. Pete Wilson to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
California General Election: Voter Guide
Policy Brief 71
Analysis of California’s Propositions 8: Limits on Marriage
Policy Brief 76