Montana Ranks 8th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Montana’s best rankings are in urbanized area congestion, total disbursements per mile and capital and bridge disbursements per mile.
Indiana Ranks 33rd in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Indiana’s best rankings are in overall fatality rate, urban fatality rate and administrative disbursements per mile.
Massachusetts Ranks 46th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Massachusetts’ best rankings are in overall fatality rate, rural fatality rate and urban fatality rate.
Administrative Disbursements Per Mile
Administrative disbursements comprise about 6.3 percent of total disbursements, totaling $8.81 billion in 2016, nearly identical to 2015 ($8.85 billion).
North Dakota Ranks 1st in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
North Dakota’s best rankings are in urban Interstate pavement condition, urban fatality rate and maintenance disbursements per mile.
South Carolina Ranks 20th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
South Carolina’s best rankings are in total disbursements per mile, capital and bridge disbursements per mile and maintenance disbursements per mile.
Arizona Ranks 29th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Arizona’s best rankings are structurally deficient bridges, urban Interstate pavement condition and maintenance disbursements per mile.
Alaska Ranks 49th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Alaska’s best rankings are traffic congestion, urban Interstate pavement condition and urban arterial pavement condition.
South Dakota Ranks 14th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
South Dakota’s best rankings are in total disbursements per mile, capital and bridge disbursements per mile and maintenance disbursements per mile.
Michigan Ranks 30th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Michigan’s best rankings are in rural fatality rate, rural arterial pavement condition and administrative disbursements per mile.
Nebraska Ranks 15th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Nebraska’s best rankings are in administrative disbursements per mile, urban fatality rate and urban area congestion.
Nevada Ranks 27th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Nevada’s best rankings are in structurally deficient bridges, urban arterial pavement condition and rural Interstate pavement condition.
Arkansas Ranks 32nd in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Arkansas’ best rankings are administrative disbursements per mile, total disbursements per mile and maintenance disbursements per mile.
Urban Interstate Pavement Condition
The pavement condition of the urban Interstate system worsened from 2015 to 2016, increasing from 5.02 percent in poor condition to 5.18 percent.
Rural Arterial Pavement Condition
The condition of major rural arterials worsened slightly from 2015 to 2016, by about 0.01 percentage points.
Capital and Bridge Disbursements Per Mile
Capital and bridge disbursements for state-owned roads equal 51.6 percent of total disbursements, totaling $71.75 billion in 2016, about 4.4 percent less than was spent in 2015.
Kentucky Ranks 5th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness
Kentucky’s best rankings are in administrative disbursements per mile, urban arterial pavement condition and rural arterial pavement condition.