Annual Highway Report

26th Annual Highway Report: Urban Interstate Pavement Condition

The urban Interstates consist of major multi- lane highways in urbanized areas. The pavement condition of the urban Interstate system improved from 2018 to 2019, decreasing from 5.23% in poor condition to 4.97% (Table 12, Percent Urban Interstate Mileage in Poor Condition, 2019, Figure 7). In 2019, 947 of the 19,069 miles of urban Interstates were rated as poor, as compared to 1,003 poor-condition miles out of 19,161 miles in 2018, the last time this assessment was completed.

Between 2018 and 2019, the percentage of poor urban Interstate mileage increased in 21 states, decreased in 22 states and remained about the same in seven states. The percent of poor mileage changed less than one percentage point in 36 of the states. Washington and Wyoming led the states in reducing poor-condition mileage (by 2.69 and 31.93 points, respectively) while Hawaii and New York led the states in increasing poor-condition mileage (by 3.63 and

2.04 points, respectively).

The condition of urban Interstate miles also varies widely by state. In 2019, two states (New Hampshire and North Dakota) reported no poor mileage. The bottom four states (Hawaii, Louisiana, Delaware, and New Jersey) reported more than 10% of their mileage to be in poor condition. These four states, collectively, only have about 4.6% of the urban Interstate mileage in the U.S. (875 of 19,069 miles) but have over 11% of the poor mileage (105 of 947 miles).

View national trends and state-by-state performances by category:
Total Disbursements Per Mile
Capital & Bridge Disbursements Per Mile
Maintenance Disbursements Per Mile
Administrative Disbursements Per Mile
Rural Interstate Pavement Condition
Rural Arterial Pavement Condition
Urban Interstate Pavement Condition
Urban Arterial Pavement Condition
Urbanized Area Congestion
Structurally Deficient Bridges
Overall Fatality Rate
Rural Fatality Rate
Urban Fatality Rate