Obama’s Clean Power Plan Is Bad News for California
The White House recently released its Clean Power Plan, which aims to reduce the nation’s carbon dioxide emissions by 32 percent by 2030.
An Outsourcing Tale of Two Cities
Contrasting use of privatization in Costa Mesa, San Bernardino to address budgets, pensions
Unionization Efforts Could Halt Progress at Innovative Los Angeles Charter Schools
United Teachers Los Angeles aims to unionize successful Alliance College-Ready Public Schools built on flexibility and autonomy
The Social Cost of Carbon Underestimates Human Ingenuity, Overestimates Climate Sensitivity
The Clean Power Plan and climate change models assume the climate is more sensitive to increases in carbon dioxide than is actually the case
A Better Way to Fund Transportation Infrastructure in Florida
The state should begin studying and piloting state-of-the-art approaches to mileage based fees
Palm Lane Parents’ Victory a Boost for All O.C. Students
Let’s hope that in coming years, Orange County’s school districts embrace these high performing charter schools, providing school choice for all students and parents.
California Charter Schools Prove Effective at Educating English Language Learners
Innovative teaching practices give charter schools an edge over traditional public schools
An Argument for Toll Lanes on Interstate 77 in Charlotte, NC
Priced express lanes could increase lane capacity by 50 percent with little financial risk to taxpayers
Why Truckers Should Reconsider Their Opposition to Tolling
Tolls are the best way to finance the reconstruction of Interstates and the system can be set up to be fair to truckers
Rebutting the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan’s Claims
Plan is likely to harm public health, increase energy bills, destroy jobs, and cause blackouts in communities across the country
Orange County’s Affordable Housing Mandates Keep More Homes Out of Reach
Inclusionary zoning policies reduce housing supply and raise home prices
What California Can Learn from Australia’s Water Reforms
While government has a role to play in the definition, enforcement, and tradability of water rights, it should otherwise get out of the way
Equitable School Funding Does Not Stop at the District Level
Allow funds to follow students to the school level, provide principals with actual dollars to spend based on student needs