New Jersey Transit’s Biggest Issue is Poor Management and a Lack of Innovation
Improving management oversight and using innovation to improve transit should be top priorities for agency
How Student-Based Budgeting Can Help El Paso’s Schools
Clint Independent School District’s budgeting practices and the funding disparities between the district’s schools have become a key issue.
California Shouldn’t Create Constitutional Workarounds to Target Smokers With Tax Increases
Prop. 56, the latest tobacco tax attempt, is mostly a giveaway to special interests.
Cigarette Taxes and Spending Requirements for Anti-Tobacco Programs Don’t Belong In Colorado’s State Constitution
The policy problems with Colorado’s Amendment 72.
North Dakota’s Cigarette Tax Measure Looks Like a Blank Check for Government Spending
North Dakota’s Measure 4 lacks oversight and accountability.
The Fight Over English-Only Education Highlights the Need For School Choice
With a robust system of school choice, voters wouldn’t be forced to choose between educator autonomy and parental empowerment.
Pension Obligation Bonds Add Risk When Pension Funds Should be Decreasing Risk
States Consider Pension Obligation Bonds Despite Risk
Legislators Push For Gas Tax Increase Instead of Cutting Bloated Bureaucracy
Plans have been introduced to raise $7.4 billion for transportation funding, mostly by raising the gas tax 17 cents a gallon.