California’s Proposition 54: Legislature. Legislation and Proceedings. AKA Public Display of Legislative Bills Prior to Vote.
The fact that hundreds of local governments and many other states post bills online before votes and make video of all their proceedings available show how easy and sensible it is.
California’s Proposition 53: Revenue Bonds. Infrastructure Projects. State Legislature and Voter Approval.
If the state’s credit is being used to fund a local project it is not absurd that all state voters should approve that use of their collective debt.
California’s Proposition 52: State Fees on Hospitals. Federal Medi-Cal Matching Funds.
There should be legislative scrutiny of the use of all public funds, including for health care.
California’s Proposition 51: School Bonds. Funding for K-12 School and Community College Facilities.
The bond would ultimately cost $17.6 billion to the state, accruing $8.6 billion in interest over the life of the bond.
California’s Proposition 55: Tax Extension to Fund Education and Health Care
This measure will deal a damaging blow to the California economy and freelance workers in particular.
California Can Use Private Prisons in Criminal Justice Reform Efforts
A private prison ban would be bad for California.
South Bay Expressway Proves that P3s Protect Taxpayers
Expressway's 2007 bankruptcy provides model for tollroads suffering financial challenges
Prop. 56 is another tax hike for special interests
Another election, another attempt to use popular smoking taxes to funnel money to the well-connected in Sacramento.