Michelle Obama Partners With Left-Wing Food Activists
"By partnering with a radically left-wing activist group, rather than an organization focused on feeding hungry people, the First Lady further politicizes an issue that should be above partisan politics."
The Media’s Uncritical Approach To E-Cigarettes Harms Public Health
If Americans needed any more reason to be skeptical of the media establishment they need look no further than the coverage given to the Surgeon General’s first-ever report into youth e-cigarette use.
Surgeon General Abandons Public Health For E-Cigarette Hysteria
It is flat out wrong to describe vaping as a "form of tobacco use."
Paving the Way for P3 Infrastructure
There are two important opportunities that the P3 community should pursue with the new Congress and the new leadership at the U.S. DOT.
California’s Regulations and High Taxes Hurt Its Health Care Rankings
The state levies heavy taxes on doctors and medical service providers, raising their costs and thus the costs to all health care consumers.
California Chooses Feel Good Metrics Over Meaningful Education Measures
Parents and taxpayers deserve to know how education dollars are spent at the classroom level across grade levels and subject areas in per-pupil terms.
Report: Tax-Hungry States Targeting E-Cigarettes Will Harm Public Health
Legislators pushing taxes on e-cigarettes could hurt smokers’ long-term health and state budgets.
The Good and Bad of Trump’s Trillion-Dollar Infrastructure Plan
The focus of the plan is to rebuild aging infrastructure, and to do so without a major federal tax increase.
Its Time For Sarasota To Free The Food Trucks
Sarasota, North Port should follow the county’s lead and ease regulations.
Why Florida State Worker Pensions Are In a Pickle
Pension systems need to do more than just avoid losing money. For the Florida Retirement System, the goal is to get returns greater than 7.65%.
Do Retirees With Defined Benefit Pensions Spend Differently Than Those With Defined Contribution Accounts?
Some Misconceptions About DB Plans