Retirement Security Requires Fully Funding Public Pension Plans
Pensions are not designed to function as PAYGO, Ponzi-like operations.
Fitch Ratings Tracks the Growth of Managed Lanes in the US
The important differences between high-occupancy toll lanes and Express Lanes.
Private Prisons are Helping California and Can Be Used to Reduce Prison Population
Government contracts with private prisons are evolving and starting to connect payments to prisons to recidivism rates.
New Executive Order Aims to Increase Competitive Sourcing, Reorganize Agencies
Order is the latest attempt to take on the elusive goal of reorganizing the federal government.
Vacation Home Rentals Should Not Be Regulated
There is no negative impact, no impaired stability and no diminished neighborhood pride — just a lot of happy people on vacation and a lot of happy homeowners.
Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco: The Next Wave Of A Harm-Reduction Revolution
A little-known tobacco technology, Heat-not-Burn (HNB), has the potential to slash smoking-related death and disease by appealing to the millions of smokers who've failed to quit using e-cigarettes and traditional nicotine-replacement therapies.
Rhode Island’s Proposed E-Cigarette Tax Would Hurt Public Health and Economy
Rhode Island should do what public health officials in Great Britain do — encourage smokers who won’t or can’t quit cigarettes to switch to e-cigarettes.
Florida Should Re-think Punitive Sentences and Increase Felony Theft Thresholds
As Florida’s neighboring states have shown, it is possible to raise felony theft thresholds and reduce larceny-theft offenses simultaneously.