FDA Delays Rules That Would Cripple E-Cigarette Industry
Absent meaningful change to the deeming regulations, many believe that thousands of vapor products will be effectively banned, shuttering tens of thousands of small businesses.
It’s Time to Allow Tolling on All Federal-aid Highways
With limited gas tax proceeds, states should be allowed to build new highways and rebuild existing highways with toll revenue.
The Case to Raise the Smoking Age In Texas Doesn’t Make Sense
Researchers recently found youth smoking rates have plummeted to record lows.
Don’t Let Special Interests Hijack the Reconstruction of I-70 in Colorado
Two lawmakers in Colorado's House have proposed a new environmental study of project approved by mayors.
New York Times Editorial Shoots at Big Tobacco, Hits Innocent Vapers Instead
The editorial board of the New York Times found itself in the curious position Wednesday of attacking Big Tobacco by supporting regulations that wipe out the industry's main competitors in the e-cigarette/vaping industry.
How Asset Recycling Could Solve Trumps Infrastructure Problem
A path to generating private investment in infrastructure.
Congress Has an Opportunity to Repeal Durbin’s Debit Card Price Controls
In February, the White House issued a set of “Core Principles" for financial services reform and a good place to start would be for Congress to repeal the so-called Durbin Amendment of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Congress Can Avoid a Government Shutdown and Save Thousands of E-Cigarette Businesses
'Regulations prevent these much safer products from competing with cigarettes - the deadliest consumer product on the market.'
Discrimination, Bad Science, and Spying Neighbors Plague Unprecedented California Tobacco Law
Back in January, the city council passed an unprecedented anti-smoking ordinance that hands landlords arbitrary power over their tenants, targets the poor, and could actually harm public health.
Ohio State University Approves $1.165B Energy Management PPP
$1+ billion upfront payment will support university's endowment, academic mission.
Arizona Reforms Second Public Safety Pension Plan
Reform of corrections, probation officer pension plan follows on heels of 2016 police & fire pension reform, using similar collaborative process.
For Bureau of Prisons, Continuing Prison Contracting Makes More Sense Than Ending It
Agency should now focus on evolving its approach to contracting.
A Proposal That Would Make Pension Crisis Even Worse
It is the latest example of the unfunded public pension crisis hitting parts of California.