Reason Foundation
Does Barack Obama Inspire Buyer’s Remorse?
Catching up with libertarians who voted for the president.
Reforming the Housing Market By Phasing Out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Removing federal involvement in housing finance can jumpstart a long-term recovery
How to Slash the State
14 ways to dismantle a monstrous government, one program at a time
How to Increase Federal Highway Investment By $10 Billion a Year Without a Tax Increase
Refocusing federal transportation policy and federal gas tax revenue on the Interstate Highway System
Most States Don
Study details how states can figure out what they own and save taxpayers millions or even billions in the process
The Federal Government Doesn
Study: Government needs to conduct a full inventory to discover what it owns and where money is being wasted
Public Pension Crisis Threatens to Bankrupt California
State pension and retiree benefits have quintupled since 1998 and over 12,000 former state and local government workers collect pensions of over $100,000 a year
Does Bus Transit Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Thomas Rubin, Marcy Lowe, Bengu Aytekin and Gary Gereffi Debate Public Transit Buses: A Green Choice Gets Greener
Transferring 25,000 Inmates to Private Prisons Would Save California $1.8 Billion Over Five Years
California spends three times as much per inmate as Texas, over twice as much as Florida
Fixing the California Budget
"Reinventing Government" author and Clinton administration expert David Osborne on how California can build a better budget