Nevada Question 2 would revise language related to public entities for individuals with mental illness, blindness, or deafness
The proposed amendment simply changes the way persons with certain disabilities are described.
Nevada Question 4 would remove slavery as a punishment for crime
The intention is to remove from the Nevada Constitution the power of the state to force convicted criminals to work.
Nevada Question 7 would require voter identification
As a proposed constitutional amendment, it would need to be approved by a majority of voters in successive elections.
New York Proposal 1 would update the New York Bill of Rights’ anti-discrimination language
The current anti-discrimination clause in New York’s bill of rights prohibits the denial of rights based on “race, color, creed, or religion.”
Oregon Measure 117 would allow for ranked-choice voting in federal and state elections
Ranked-choice voting is an effective alternative to plurality vote systems for offering voters more choices.
South Dakota Measure 29 would legalize the recreational use of marijuana
Measure 29 protects the rights of individuals to deliver, transfer, or sell marijuana to each other.
South Dakota Amendment G would enshrine the right to abortion in state’s bill of rights
Abortion in South Dakota is currently banned in all cases except to save the life of the mother, the result of a law passed by the state in 2005.
California Proposition 36 would change drug and theft crime penalties, create more felonies
Diverting spending from upstream, preventative tactics such as treatment and dropout prevention into incarceration costs is a counterproductive idea.
California Proposition 34 would impact how Medi-Cal Rx program participants spend money
California Proposition 34 creates a process for designating specific nonprofit organizations that provide care for low-income people but also spend resources on other programs and services as “drug price manipulators.”
California Proposition 35 would make the managed care organization tax permanent
California currently taxes managed health care insurance providers for their plans, but that tax is due to expire in 2026.
California Proposition 3 would amend the state constitution to recognize same-sex marriage
California Proposition 3 would let voters choose to replace current constitutional language with revised language recognizing same-sex marriage.
Colorado Amendment I would remove right to bail for first-degree murder charges
This measure would add first-degree murder to the category of cases for which a person is able to be held in jail without bail pending trial in Colorado.
Colorado Proposition KK would levy tax on firearms dealers, manufacturers, and ammunition vendors
If approved, Colorado would become the second state in the nation to have an excise tax on guns and ammunition.
Colorado Amendment J would remove language banning same-sex marriage from state constitution
Amendment J was put on this year’s ballot so voters can choose to replace current constitutional language with language acknowledging same-sex marriage.
Colorado Proposition JJ seeks to retain sports betting tax revenue for water projects
Currently, all sports betting tax revenue in Colorado is directed toward a Water Plan Implementation Fund.
West Virginia Amendment 1 would prohibit medically assisted suicide
Amendment 1 prohibits any medical professional from taking part in a medically assisted suicide, also known as euthanasia or mercy killing.
Colorado Amendment 79 would create constitutional right to abortion
Colorado currently has no legal restrictions on abortion at any time during pregnancy.
Florida Amendment 1 would implement partisan elections for district school boards
Currently, school board elections in Florida are nonpartisan.