Paying down PSPRS debt faster is a win for taxpayers
Unfunded PSPRS and ASRS liabilities make those pension systems more costly, pressuring government budgets. Paying down pension debt as fast as possible avoids interest costs and saves taxpayers money.
Vehicle Fleet Maintenance/Management Outsourcing Opportunities
How San Diego and other cities can reduce the costs of vehicle fleet maintenance and management services
The Year 2010 in Water & Wastewater Public-Private Partnerships
Water and Wastewater Chapter of Annual Privatization Report 2010
Local Government Privatization 101
Separating fact from fiction, privatization trends and the services that should be privatized
Policy Brief 89 -
Privatization and Public-Private Partnership Trends in State Government
State Government Privatization Chapter of Annual Privatization Report 2010
Keeping politics out of public pension investing
Policies directing public pension systems to make politically-motivated investments can undermine fund governance and increase financial risk to future generations.
Phoenix’s traffic congestion is expected to worsen despite $70 billion in transportation spending plans
Vehicle hours of delay spent in Phoenix's traffic congestion are expected increase by at least 50% at all times of day by 2050.
Addressing California’s Affordable Housing Shortage
Alternatives to Proposition 1C
Analysis of California’s Proposition 90
The Protect Our Homes Act
Scrutinizing NDPERS’ cost claims on House Bill 1040
NDPERS is choosing to adopt the costliest interpretation of HB 1040 and is cherry-picking the worst from a range of actuarial cost estimates to scare away proponents.
Montana’s default retirement benefit option should best serve most public workers
Montana House Bill 226 would better align the default retirement benefit option with what would best most workers need.
The Year 2010 in Corrections Public-Private Partnerships
Corrections Chapter of Annual Privatization Report 2010
Building Maintenance and Management Outsourcing Opportunities
How San Diego and other cities can reduce the costs of facility management
Senate Bill 88 would expose Alaska to potentially higher pension costs
Senate Bill 88 would likely cost Alaska more than $8 billion in the coming decades.
HOT Lanes: Frequently Asked Questions
Policy Brief 59
Major costs and risks associated with restoring the Florida Retirement System’s cost-of-living adjustment
Florida's cost of bringing back COLAs could rise above $32 billion over 30 years.
Redirecting MPSERS’ debt payment could cost taxpayers $1.4 billion
Eliminating a $670 million annual contribution into MPSERS would require an additional $1.4 billion over the next 14 years in net pension payments.