Report: Road Condition Improves But Traffic Congestion, Highway Fatalities Rise
North Dakota, South Carolina have nation's most cost-effective road systems; New Jersey is home to nation's worst overall road system for eighth straight year
Bald Eagle Off Endangered List In Spite of Feds, Not Because of Them
Endangered Species Act does more harm than good
Setting the Record Straight on Toll Roads and Public-Private Partnerships in Texas
Separating facts and myths in the moratorium debate
Toll Financing Should Play a Leading Role in Building 21st Century Highways
New technology allows us to manage traffic flow better than ever before, but we need to shift away from reliance on gas taxes, which are failing to deliver necessary revenue
Subways and Light Rail Are a Poor Fit for Sprawling Atlanta
City's low density means buses are better form of transit
Study Corrects LAPD Inaccuracies on Medical Marijuana
Think tank urges city to take "sensible approach" in regulating dispensaries
State Governments Have a Drug Habit: Crack Taxes and Drug Stamps
Feds gave up taxing drugs, but 21 states seek income from illegal drug taxes
Colleges Feeling a Housing Crunch
Military housing privatization has reduced costs and sped up delivery of new units, universities should follow suit
Studies: Statewide Video Franchise Reform Helps Consumers
Customers get lower prices, more choices and new broadband services
Study: How to Get Our Kids Out of Failing California Schools
Think tank calls for school funding to follow students and opportunity scholarships to rescue children stuck in poor performing schools
Beware of Tech Geeks Bearing Gifts
Former FTC deputy director of policy planning says governments
Study: iProvo’s Financial Woes to Worsen
Taxpayers will likely never recoup the millions poured into municipal broadband system
Proposition 90 Isn’t a Trap, It Protects Homeowners and Property Rights
Reason Foundation analyzes arguments for and against Prop. 90
Proposition 88 Targets Prop. 13 Loophole, Wouldn’t Improve Education
Reason Foundation analyzes current education funding and what Prop. 88 would add
Think Tank Urges Caution on Bonds, Says Most Projects Should Be Paid for by General Fund
Much of the money won't actually be spent on infrastructure; before record-setting borrowing spree state should ask private sector to pay for infrastructure
Report: Drinkers Earn More Money Than Non-Drinkers
Social drinkers who hang out in bars bring home even bigger paychecks
Peters Nomination “Is a Home Run”
Expert says Peters was nation's best-ever Federal Highway Administrator